Monday, August 17, 2015

Sky Echo Pencil: The FOUNDATION

In all things in life there is a start. There is a seed to it all. There is the beginning, first, birth, rise, onset, opening, etc. The list may cary on and on. The point to focus on is there is a start. In that start, we would hope to find ourselves moving out from or through solid ground. It is vital that we become aware and accept where we are starting from. I am by no means asking, suggesting, or even advising you on any of this information. I am creating an environment for you to hear the foundation on which Sky Echo Pencil stands on. It is new. It will sound foreign at first and it is the something more that Humanity has been seeking.

Sky Echo Pencil is a branded collection of New Minded Conversations. It’s start is based on the foundation of divine clarity. Sky Echo Pencil has unlocked the riddles of Life and is now making it available to all who are ready for “something more”. The something more is displayed in an unique fashion of sails, secrets, conversations, and games. It is all for experiencing a New Life. A life outside of the one you have or maybe have ever imagined. If you’re willing you are free to use Sky Echo Pencil as a vehicle that brings you into New Life.

Before you can use Sky Echo Pencil as a vehicle, there are some mindful things to know and actually experience. These mindful things are displayed as foundational sails. These foundational sails serves as the bridge between where you are in life and what is Sky Echo Pencil. Sails are short, quick, self-directive guides of alignment. They are designed to give you clarity as you move forward in experiencing a New Life. Sails are a New Minded way of learning. They are also a way that ask for your acceptance, mindfulness, and participation to be demonstrated.

There is a world-wide Divine Graduation from the mundane plane that is available for Humanity. It will be no more than our prayers that you will be in the graduating class. The fighting is over and the choice is up to you. Sky Echo Pencil is bringing the New Clarity that is the divine clarity of the Design of Life. May you get what there is to get. Humanity is our family and the world is our home. Togetherness is our life.

"LIFE is the most fascinating design EVER"

"This Life is an Amazing Gift"

"Life is where all of my dreams come true"

"Life is where everyone falls in Love with me”

Leo Johnson (Sky Echo Pencil: The Foundation)