Saturday, September 17, 2016

There Is A New Game Of Life To Explore!

18 Sep 2016

There Is A New Game Of Life To Explore

Does how you see life make a difference? It makes all the absolute difference yet then is only the beginning. First things first, we must bring our perception of life in harmony with the actuality of what life is and how it works. This is the most courageous first step there is to take toward entering the theater of this infinite dimension. After coming into perceptual harmony there then must come the way to navigate and be universally orientated in this theater of infinite life. How do I gain the intelligence and power to command this infinite fabric of life to unfold in my personal favor? This is the second most courageous question to ask for ourselves. There is no necessity of our lives. We don't need to be happy. We don't need to know how to create progressive and healthy relationships.  Ultimately, we don't need to be alive. What is so is that we are here and it is all available. 

There's no way around that in order to win, graduate and thrive in all of this universal life there must be a profound clarity of the intelligence of this fabric of life. We have the gift as human beings to experience this life at a high level of clarity and command. It takes a surgical micro and macro view to begin to freely navigate in this theater. The rewards, you can truly have it all with confidence, clarity and command. The risk; confusion, frustration, exhaustion and loneliness until you do.  This isn't an ultimatum but rather the actuality of what this great gift of life is. It is a game. The most fascinating game ever created out of the infinite intelligence of Everything.

We are in a time of renewal. There is a new generation of human beings who are expanding their plane of clarity and command as it relates to universal life. There is no resistance to how far you can go. You see, we are not playing this game with one another but rather playing a game with life... together. Many people are blind to the intensity and urgency of their life and lifetime. The illusion of, "Ignorance is bliss", is perpetually crumbling as a perceptual model to get through this life. The time comes when you get to say, "Enough is enough". When have you seen enough? When have you heard enough? When have you hurt enough? There then do we begin to seek definitive clarity. Definitive command and definitive power. The riddle is that we are not in a universal season to be one seeking to be saved any longer. We are in a time of intelligence when human beings are with enough to seek to save themselves.

Sky Echo Pencil is the world's Elite Academy of Life Clarity for women. When you reach your point of saying, "When", know that you have somewhere still to explore.

"Togetherness Is Our Life,
      Humanity Is Our Family &
           the World Is Our Home"

Live In Love,


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Stand In Your Light!

Stand In Your Light! 

I missed my father's death while I was away in Afghanistan. I knew he was sick and a month before he passed I did fly back to Sacramento, California to see him. Sitting in the hospital and watching him as he slept I knew that I was spending my final moments with him. I knew that once I left and went back to Afghanistan that I would never see him alive again. I came back for his funeral a month after and laid him to rest. 

I remember him lying in his bed in a moment of frustration and asking, "Why do I have to suffer so much?" In a way, it was bittersweet to hear. It was bitter as I heard felt his frustration. It was sweet as I knew there was hope. I immediately felt confident that I carried the answer to that question within me; or at least a piece of it. I didn't hear his question to solely come from him. I heard it that all of humanity was asking that question on some level.

Some of us came into this world holding on to more of universal clarity than others. For those who have comes a mission. The mission is to share your clarity or gifts with the world. These individuals, I call them Lights, are not exactly immune to the suffering of the world, though, they may have greater mindful tools to use to keep themselves sane. Assuming that their clarity or gifts are properly organized. 

There's a romance and abrasiveness that comes with having a high level of universal clarity. True, there is a greater peace that may come to these individuals, but there are also times when having a greater universal clarity can hurt. Hurt not in that average way but in that universal way. We may often feel misunderstood, ignored or frustrated as those around us may not be picking up the universal signals as we are. Or at least not accepting them. 

My interest in thisparticular blog is about the abrasive experiences that a Light can experience with their close family or friends. You see, there is a way that a Light can be rejection or disapproved from their own family. A Light may experience an enormous amount of exhaustion from the effort involved with trying to explain to their families what they are universally receiving or being called to do. The greatest shame would be that they become so exhausted that they never really fulfill their universal mission. It's kind of like being trapped in between two dimensions of responsibility: living a life in limbo. Trying to juggle family and their universal mission. Our choices become, " Serve our families or serve our God, Source, Universe or Infinite Intelligence. "
I see clearly how the Design of Life often conveniently uses this as a graduating measure for all Lights. Life wants to see which path are we going to wholly commit to. Do you live for saving your family or do you live to fulfill your universal intention. The conflicts that arise within the presence of the two happen frequently. 

I myself chose to live for fulfilling my personal universal intention. I interpret it as being the contribution for furthering Universal Life. As I see it, much of the pain that we experience in Life is due to the lack of Universal messages being induced into our heart, minds and behavior. I feel that we will continue to suffer until we learn to honor the highest clarity within ourselves. Is committing to this dimension of life while living in this 3 dimension a scary thing to do? For me, it absolutely has been. For me it's been down right horrifying at times. 

I've seen the frowns cast toward me from those close to me. I've experienced my love being interpreted as weakness. I've expereinced my absence or my silence be interpreted as that I don't care. None of these of course are of actuality but how else is a mind to interpret my behavior or presence without the clarity that shapes my presence or behavior? It truly is a riddle. 

In the academy, I empower women how to not get caught up in exhausting explanations. Digging ourselves out of the holes we are placed in by those who do not accept or understand can be a losing battle for all of us. As I see it is that, we are suffering because we have not made the sacrifices that may inevitably come with choosing to live for fulfilling our Universal Mission. Our attention can either be one unlocking the riddles and discovering the new arts for us to get our gifts and messages out. Or our attention would be on stuggling to hold on to the normality of our family traditions. The question is, "What are you going to live for?" 

As I see it, no matter what, there is a clear conundrum. It isn't necessarily difficult to resolve it but it would require acceptance and a "Trans-Mission" of intentions to bring about harmony. When it comes between a Light and their families that they each understand each other's intention. It isn't difficult for a Light to understand an intention to support, love and preserve the family dynamic between them. We all want love. We all love each other. We all appreciate the laughs and times that we spend together. The turbulence begins when the Light articulates their Universal Intention. We are each unique and, what can we say, some have it and some don't. 

Each of us are solely responsible for what we have. It isn't for us to struggle to make someone have what we have. That would be pushing. But I think acceptance is the critical key when it comes to solving that conundrum. 

If you know yourself to be a light I would say to settle yourself in your clarity and have compassion. If you are struggling to accept a family member who may be a Light then I would say have divine level of acceptance. In order to avoid being exhausted and unfulfilled in life, if your are a Light, I would say, "Make It!". You as the Light are the key. If your don't discover your path and nourish your art to get your message out then all we are to be promised is suffering. For what you may sacrifice in your doing so, "Make It Count!" 
I wasn't there when my fathered died. I took a mini sabbatical right smack in the middle of a family reunion before. You have the freedom to fully commit to your Universal Intention. If or when you do, know that it's ok to pursue your path. Many may not understand. Many may frown at you first and then eventually come to hide their past presentation of ugly. Keep it all clear in your own mind as you go.  You are courageously carving a new path to further humanity into the next dimension. You have to 'Make It'. For all of your sacrifices, you can 'Make It Count' for humanity's greater good. Get there you beautiful Light. It will all become clear when your message is loud and clear. 

"Togetherness Is Our Life,   
    Humanity Is Our Family &
       the World Is Our Home." 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Why Do You Have To Be So Smart?

Why Do You Have To Be So Smart? 

Intelligence and Organization 

If you are a guy you may want to read this to get a greater clarity of what may be going on with the frustrations within women in your life. Forward this blog to other women whom you see that this may serve.

Have you ever felt like your smarts were what was bringing all the troubles in your life? "Oh, if I could only be naive and not know." The truth is that, Yes, your intelligence can bring about a level of confusion, frustration, exhaustion, loneliness or even overwhelm. Have you caught yourself dumbing yourself down so that you could get some of the yummy things in life that you see every else is getting?

Generation by generation women are becoming ever more powerful and intelligent. It is so that you as the woman were designed to more tightly connected with the almighty intelligence than men. We are in an age when we have permission to accept the undeniably displayed patterns between men and women. It is OK for you to accept that you are more of intuitive being when come between you and men. In order to bring any intelligence to its optimal state of power, it must be organized. This post is to bring a mindfulness to you that the intelligence and intuitions within you must be organized.

This theater of intelligence includes your emotions, intuitions. Can you see in the past, or maybe even
today, that without Organization your intelligence, emotions and intuitions can take control of you? Before all else, when looking at your past of how your collective intelligence may have taken over you, would you be willing to see how Organization would be a powerful key in bringing you to stability? I'm using the word Organization. Let me share with you what I mean.

Organization, the way that I'm using it, has a relationship with time, clarity of actions and clarity of intentions. A great way to articulate this would be to think about your physical body. You are an organism. You have multiple organs with you. Your organs know when, what and why to do what they do. Your body is operating by an Organ-ized Intelligence. It has to do with seeing the big picture while you are not only directly a part of it but "The Life of It'. What's the intention? Why are you doing what you are doing? Why is he, she or Life doing what they are doing? In this case, it would be why are your emotions, intuitions and intelligence doing what they are doing? Having clarity of where the emotions, intuitions and intelligence that flows within your fits is a part of having peace within your own skin.

While we are here I might as well tell you the full scope of how I am using 'Intelligence'. I see Intelligence as being able to be Organized in four parts.

1. Emotional Intelligence                                                  3.Mechanical Intelligence
2. Social Intelligence                                                        4. Universal Intelligence

Between men and women, as I have accepted, men are mostly superior with mechanical intelligence. Noticing the patterns and ways of how to use 'Things'. Though strong with mechanics we may struggle with navigating in the world of emotions or even universal intelligence. Collectively, guys are goal orientated. Guys are more of one plus one equals two kind of mind. As a man myself, our social settings are mostly used to compete and establish our position of hierarchy. Not exactly how a woman may use their social environments. Let's just say this, guys don't brush each other's hair and serve one another emotionally. We honor one another logically. Some of us can have a hard time respecting emotional intelligence as we can be confused on wher it fits in out lives. Our relationship with emotional intelligence is one of seeking to shut it down and get them out of the way. Men were mindfully built to 'Get Strong'  or get logical or mechanical. As it relates to Getting Smart, well the closest we come is getting strategic. Strategic in the sense of finding more clever ways to use and discover new 'Things'. Our Social intelligence is directed toward reaching status, survival and domination.
Have you notice these differences between the sexes for yourself? Of course, I am speaking collectively of men and women. I also have to address that I am mostly observing the American culture. What I would say is that there are enough significant consistencies to take some steps toward clarity between the sexes as it relates to each of these categories of intelligence. We simply don't use them the same way. As I see it, the world is moving toward Togetherness and Thriving and away from competing, surving an dominating. The world is moving toward pulling down a higher intelligence, a universal intelligence, which may be beyond the valid and honorable uses of strategies discovered and put to work by mostly men.

As I see, for you as the woman you have a unique power in each of these categories of Intelligence. Your power doesn't run parallel to the performance power of men in these categories. What would say? Are we the same? Are we equally connected in our emotional intelligence? Do we use our social environments in the same way?

Here's where organization comes into play. Men and women were designed differently. You as a woman have a completely distinct set of rules of how to play in each of these categories. Your mind and feelings were designed to be more in harmony with universal intelligence. The idea is to nourish the intelligences which you were designed for. Reaching a communal state of thriving will surely take each of our gifts. For that, we have to know where we fit and where we belong. Without organization (clarity of when, what and why) things can become confusing, frustrating, exhausting, lonely or overwhelming for as a woman in a men made world. These experiences express themselves in relationships, life or even within your own skin. Without organization, your intelligence has the power to literally drive you crazy.

Life is divinely asking you to get it all sorted out; to get your intelligence organize so that you can exprience your unique clarity, confidence and peace. The trouble with that there aren't many places for you to go. Are there? The institutions and systems out there are mostly 'male minded'. Get money, survive, and dominate. It may be in our world today that the nourishment of your unique intelligenece has been collectively neglected, unappreciated or disrespected. Where do you go to nourish your distinct gifts? Where do you go to get your intelligence organized?

What there is to take away here is that Intelligence always asked to be Organized. If anything, hopefully this read clarifies your search of what you may be looking for. Times of searching for clarity or orientation are sure to come in life. I hope this blog gives you direction. Step by step the full beautiful and distinct power of you can become fully alive.

You are the Universal Queen. There is a destiny for you. You were designed to marry with your unique Intelligence with a unique Organization.  The more vast your range of Intelligence gets the more the calling for Organization becomes. Have you ever wondered if your emotions or intuitions were a gift or a curse? Harmony is with the marrying between Intelligence and Organization. Without organization, there can only be a curseful chaos. Discover the harmony within your own skin. Take this clairty with you as you further become the Fully Alive woman that you are.

Togetherness Is Our Life,
     Humanity Is Our Family &
   the World Is Our Home.

Live In Love,

Leo Johnson II

creator of "An Intelligence for a Thriving Woman"

Friday, March 4, 2016

How to Be Positive Yet Still Stand Your Ground!

How to Be Positive Yet Still Stand Your Ground!

Ok, let's get a couple of things straight. 1) Love is no whossy! Talk about one of the most infinitely ironic characteristics about Love. Somehow or another we have been taught or have come to learn that Love means "Lay down and die". 

In today's world there is a New Generation of Mind. Today we have the history and experiences to accept that call for celebration!

2) When it comes to your personal life and your organic becoming you have to Make It First.  That is the gift that you have from all of Life. That's the first step is nourishing the harmony within your own skin. That is also the first riddle for you to discover. After arriving yourself to the person that you are to become, then it would be appropriate to serve others. 

 The thing is, sometimes while in your odyssey you may have to protect our vision and harmony from disruptive agents. We wouldn't want to be so fascinatingly naive to think that there aren't destructive energies out there. Who are we kidding? Look, there are flat out ignorant' people out there. It's sounds worse than it is as. Each of us inescapably have a level of ignorance. In some cases it's appropriate. In other cases the disruption is inappropriate and the disruption is disproportionate from what it actually takes away from you. Sure we love each other but we can be ignorant about dealing with this ourselves! The options taught to us for these conundrums in Life are to Lay Down and Die at the hands of disproportionately ignorant or a model that I'm sharing here, have an art of your to dissove the disruptive ignorance in your life.

Be the positive loving being that you are. Encourage and empower yourself, family, team and community. If the Ignant shall impose themselves on your glorious intention to harmonically thrive, be capable of protecting your energetic space! You are something beautiful and that is not to be trampled on. There are times when if it came down between you dying or the ignorant dying which one would it be.

I know that sounds hard but there's a little bit of universal favor that comes with this artful model.  There's nothing that hurts my heart more than to see a beautiful and loving being experiencing unnecessary hurt because they lost the instruction manual for their backbone. You get it! I want to power you up a little bit here so that you can face actuality. You have a gift, a destiny, a family or desire to thrive in this life. You are forever free to be unapologetically pursue that, as we all are. We all know this. 

Some of my spiritual friends can have their heads so far in the clouds that they would allow the Ignant to completely ruin them. They just keep getting malded over and over and over and over. "EAT IT!", the Ignant would say, and they do. This is unecessary and is a crying shame. "It's all perfect and it will all be ok", they say. Then the day comes when they are struggling and so lonely that they are then forced to settle for a lessor life. It pains me to see. I know they are beautiful but they would have to stand for their own beauty yes? Whew, was that a rant? I think that was a rant. Was that a rant? 

 You may know the type. As for the business community, fair enough, there are some that are so spiritually disconnected that they will kill themselves and others for that all mighty worthless dollar. "Jokes on you sucka! "

The idea here is to learn the art of 'inner harmony' between being the Positive Flower Kitten that you are and the Artful Being of bringing obsolescence to the disproportionate disturbances seeded by ignorance in order to keep your dream alive.  You will be that flower kitten far more often than you will that Artful Creator of Obsolescence overtime. Never let your light or love be striped away from you. You don't have to be angry as you do this. But you do want to be prepared in the beginning and get the job D.O.N.E.

Before I go any further let me tell you the New Minded rules of engagement for being the artful creator of obsolescence. Rules are:

1."We live and die by the games that we play"(New Minded Sail)

 When another imposes their game onto you then you would have free rein to not participate into that game. Politely express your disinterest. Heed that your self-loving voice was heard and carry on. 

Now, I said, impose. In a civilize environment we would 'Ask' each other to participate in the games that we've chosen to play. But our early minds were interested in survival and dominance, so trickery was confidenced from early minded models. What I mean by impose here would be that you would have given them a polite, "No thank you", yet they still be push it upon you, bamboozle you or demonstrate influence to get you to play. This is when the foul has been committed. Humanity is becoming ever more brilliant and ever more civilized but we do want to be prepared to protect our new loving light as we come to more of a collective intelligence. 

Our intelligence is at the highest level that it has ever been throughout our existence.  I have developed a strong case to support my claim. For now, let's imagine that we are at an unprecedented stage of our human intelligence. Universal physics would tell us that with an unprecedented intelligence, unprecedented models and means of civilized operations must be created. An expanded intelligence is a game changer. You wouldn't put fine wine in old wineskins, would ja?  So this new and intelligent community would be operating by some new rules, codes of conduct and courtesies and you the one to ensure that your life is harmonically sound. Keep your life, self and those around you in harmony with your expanded intelligence. Not everyone is going to make it. Not everyone is going to want to play. But you must make it. It's your life.

So what are the New Rules of Engagement for eradicating the Ignant from your life?    

2. 'To Bring Death To'.  As far as this New Minded Generation goes,  we are in actuality playing at a higher plane in the game of New Life and Death. This would mean to bring death, obsolescence, irrelevance or insignificance to the misaligned models, people, conversations that have not kept up with your personal expansion. The first way of which our New Generation of Mind will do this will be by what I call, "Death by Malnutrition". 

Death by malnutrition will always and forever be the first means chosen for bringing death to anything. It leaves others free to explore the rest of the seven billion people who would be willing to play their game. Here's how it fits into Universal Intellic (the Universal Physics in the world of intelligence I like to say. The higher in the planes that we go with our alignment with Universe, God, Infinite Intelligence or Source the more we ourselves inherit the characteristics of our source. Capisce?  Fair enough? All life is seeded from the sun.  And that which falls out of the light withers away. I'd like you to think of yourself as a New Light as you BE NEW NOW and advance yourself through the planes of Self, Life and Love.

Much like how we were raised by your parents and though you probably can't staaaand that you act 'JUST LIKE YO MAMA', you probably really do. Whatever is the source that is raising you will also be the precise character that you are moving toward modeling. It's a human 'brain thing'. Something about all that brain-environment stuff. "Don't fight it young Jedi. Just relaaax. Daddy's got cha." In this case your elevated intelligence and course of exploration for your personal life is are the parents whom you will now model. 

As it relates to the Universe there's a little teenie tiny rule that says that the Universe will always take the path of least resistance. What am I talking about here? Effortlessness! Effortless as a characteristic of the highest of the high. This New Minded Generation would not be interest in the exhauuuuusting work of physically 'Killing' someone else. They are way to intelligence for that. Plus, actively killing the non-participating Ignant wouldn't be worth their sacred time and energy. The New Generation knows how the universal game goes and not only do they play into it, they are dang good at it. Take time to control of your mind and clarity of how this universal game of life works... and turn that darn Xbox off while you at it! Participate in the greatest game; the game of LIFE. "Learn something child! Look-et-heaa!" 

The New Minded Generation would be more aligned with the effortless model, 'Death by Malnutrition' before any 'Effort-full' physical killing. Actively bringing death would accelerate the extinguishment of your light. See that? Energy is neither created or destroyed and no energy is wasted in this impeccably designed theater of life. Direct your energy where it most serves your expansion.  Whatever falls out of sight of 'the Light' dies. And you are the Light. Simple as that. That's a relief yea? 

You don't have time to be putting energy toward the 'Ignant'. You have a unique thriving life to nourish! You would have the power to bring upon an effortless death toward that which is not in harmonic alignment with you. The best the 'Ignant' can do is raise a stink in an attempt to FEED off your time, attention or energy. Simply don't give it to them. It's another brain thing. They will get the picture and move into the light or die; at least as your new relationship with them. Accept that the Light in you is infinitely worthy and powerful enough to thrive your life and keep you on track. That is, if you direct it harmonically. 'Nevermind them, they, he and she for awhile' (New Minded Sail). Leave it to be by the power of you. 

Ok, number 3! This is where the beautiful spiritual folks gets their butt handed to them. There is in appropriate space and time in your life when active killing may not only be appropriate but universally favored and required. My spiritual friends have a hard time with this one. Like we said, do not impose and live and die by the games that you play, right?  I want to talk about this one but first, let's get a solid definition of what 'impose' means. 

verb (used with object)imposed, I'mposing.

to lay on or set as something to be borne, endured, obeyed, fulfilled,paid, etc.:
to impose taxes.
to put or set by or as if by authority:
to impose one's personal preference on others.
to obtrude or thrust (oneself, one's company, etc.) upon others.
to pass or palm off fraudulently or deceptively:
He imposed his pretentious books on the public.
Printing. to lay (type pages, plates, etc.) in proper order on animposing stone or the like and secure in a chase for printing.
to lay on or inflict, as a penalty.

Thank you Ok, you got that? Pay close attention to number 3, 4 and 6. 

Let's put it in perspective.
 Imagine the impeccable island and community of Atlantis.

(old english accent) ~ It shall be so that when one fraudulently or deceptively thrust any order as an authority onto an unwelcoming other, so then shall the act of killing such 'Seed of foul' be not only appropriate  but necessary. ~ 

Now don't get all radical with this and think you are going and have a killing rampage. Not the idea at all.  I'd bet you nor I would ever wish to do something like that. This is a perfect spot for a disclaimer. You want to be intelligent and  to not under or over exaggerate the rule. You want the power of your Light to be able to face and bring death to those who have chosen to commit consistent fouls upon you.  Stay within and hear this solely for your own life, yea? I want to talk to you not 'Them, they, he or she' (NMS). 

So tell me, know anyone like this; someone who imposes their game onto you in your life?  Do you know someone who has fouled out from long ago, maybe days, years or decades ago? They want to play by old rules and present their game to you from an "I'm bigger than you so you are suppose to do what I tell you to do". It may be time to tell them, "Sit Down" and extend the freedom for them to sit this out until they can find a way to play with YOUR new game. They may be in your family, friendship network or at work. The New Minded Generation sees that Humanity is our family and know the arts of how to navigate through that. We have to sort this out amongst ourselves. 

Don't feed em! If you do feed them they won't leave until you kick em out! Leave them to 'Get a life', or at least accept that you are taking yours somewhere else.

All right let's pick up the pace. The austere rule would be that if someone 'Imposes' their disproportionate ignorant ways onto you it's time to kill. When asking or politely declining doesn't work and they keep a coming, then it's time to back em off. 

Image a home invasion. Someone kicks in the door of your home sporting a ragtag hood and waving a gun. You and your family are there. What would you do? Immediately, your brain identifies and scream out, "RIFFRAFF!"



people, or a group of people, regarded as disreputable or worthless:
a pack of riffraff.
the lowest classes; rabble:
the riffraff of the city.
trash; rubbish.

(Good job Thanks again bro!)

 What would the universally appropriate thing be to do?  What are the steps? 

1. Express an, " thank you", and see if it does the trick. If it does, GREAT! They played by the rules! Though they should have asked you first. But hey, close enough for the game of life.

Now, if the imposition, not oppisition, persisted, what would you do? Hey, you'd have my blessings to actively protect your family is all that I'm saying. What else can a loving human being do? Bad juju sucks and as the universal would see it, I'd say that you have universal permission to protect your family. This post is about you having something to be at least prepared of other's disrupting games which may come at you. You have universal permission to protect yourself in my view, it's your self permission that I'm poking at here. I don't want you to be hurt but more importantly is would you want that for yourself, vision, mission and family more than I do. Always prayers be with you in such a time. 

Now, if we all played by the rules that's how our games should go. 7 billion people in the world, we have more than enough space. Choose your game and align with those who accept to play with you. Impose your game on another and prepare to bear a grave dismissal. Feed into the game of the Ignant and you kinda imply that you want to play. Gotta see it from their point of view right? You'd be saying that you don't want to play and they'll be asking, "Then why the are you on the court". Choose your games wisely and voice your games to the ones you love around you. Freedom is the key and here we are talking about your prepardness for freedom. 

Stick to your game and Thrive my Love. Play your game. 

Atlantis had it figured out as the great story goes but they lost focus on their game. The distractions of the 'Ig-nant' became to aggravating to them. They paid too much attention, lost their focus, got sucked in and went to kill the 'Ig-nant' by way of imposing. ( said such a version of how the story is told)  FAIL! Atlantis lost the favor of the Gods and then came the flood. Roll Tide! The universe is a force to be reckoned with.

So today you have your shot. Be the positive Loving Sprite for all of humanity that you may be. Find and Align with that New Minded Community that fits you.  Know the New Minded rules of engagement for the New Minded Game of Life. Let all that falls out of the light of Life effortlessly become obsolete, irrelevant and insignificant. Be not distracted by the the stink raised by the 'Ig-nant'. Accept Love for being as powerful and almighty as it is. Have clarity about how the Ignant get fed. Be prepared to 'Protect this House' and please for the love of God, don't be the one that 'Floods Atlantis'. 

"Togetherness Is Our Life,
Humanity Is Our Family & 
the World Is Our Home." (TM)

Live In Love.

Leo Johnson II,
creator of Sky Echo Pencil: Elite Life Academy &
Amazon #1 Best Seller: BE NEW NOW