Sunday, January 19, 2014

Letting go of identifying ourselves 
through where we’ve been. 

There’s a suggestion is that it doesn’t matter where you’ve been but rather where you are now and where you are going. The trap is the practice of ‘past referencing’ and  ‘relative/comparative identifying’. 
Past referencing: gaining understanding of something new by referring to something in the past. Accepting the bundle package of what something ‘Old’ is and applying it to some new person, place, thing, self or experience. 
Remedy of illness:
 Exercise a new imagination and new appreciation with all newly experienced persons, places, things, self and experiences.
Start with self reciting ‘This has never happened before. I have never experienced this. ‘Same’ does not exist. See the New in this life of mine which is only right here and right now. Same does not exist’. 
Relative/ Comparative identifying: Developing an identity within a linear model; as moving from where I’ve been to where I’m at now;  basing worth, progress, achievement and value on ‘Past self’ held up to ‘Present self’. 
Holding meaning to where we’ve been as a measure to identify with where we are now. 
Remedy of illness: 
Exercise: Dare to stand in the ‘Phenomenal Newness’ of life. Dare to live at the speed of life at the expense of ‘Never being the same again’. Abandon the limiting model of needing the ‘past you’ in order for you to have an identity of the ‘New You’. 
‘You’ are in alignment with life. So that suggest that you are phenomenally ‘New’ also. Moment to moment and without reason. You are into existence and then out of existence, then into existence... Then out of existence. See it as not a continuous flow of existence. Be New Now and ‘Be ok with it’ without reason but from ‘knowing’. You are not the same or like any other. 
Life is a phenomenon no matter how much we can ‘say or label’ about it. Life is always new (period). This everlasting ‘Newness’ is a phenomenal characteristic of life. It’s just the way it always has been, is and will be. 
How can something be fully new if it is unable to let go of the old? When we say ‘old’ we are not saying that it is not enough or undesirable. We are saying that it has already been experienced and is impossible to ever come back. We can also say that the level of intensity of the experience has already happened as with the dynamics of the situation . It has all already come to pass. If we had to choose to live the rest of our lives through within the already established range of our past experiences or live in the unknown life ahead of us, which lives the possibility of further levels of Joy, Love, etc. which would you choose? If you could write it, would you really just want to feel the same feeling again? Much like bath water, the ‘Same’ over time becomes not as hot. Not as sexy. We are of a ‘law of acclimation’. We get use to things and it takes more of something to reach the same level of experience. This is how something beautiful could actually become bland and unfulfilling. What makes the difference is the growth, ie. ‘Newness’.  Would what has ‘already’ been experienced in our lives Really be enough? Which would you choose? This  
 Forget answering the question of ‘how will we know how far we’ve gone if we don’t know where we’ve been’? Who cares! Would we dare to stand in the trust that if we find ourselves feeling empowered, safe, secure and on a tropical island that we will know who and where we are? Would we allow ourselves to have that be enough?  Trust that you will and that not only will it not be difficult to ‘Know It’ it will be effortless. It will be obvious. Just GO!!! 
Have you noticed how much time it takes away from life to address all the old stories of how we got ‘here’ each time we make an incremental advancement in life?   Do we have to tell the same, old whole story over and over again? Let’s imagine right here and now, while we have a safe space, that each of us do this. Look at this in your life. What if you added up all the hours of telling your story in our lifetime? My goodness! Spare me! That’s a lot of life being consumed for the sake of keeping track with our identity. Find another way that affords the freedom to ‘Be New Now’. We can first begin with giving ourselves permission to ‘Be New Now’.  With each second of our lives the story gets longer and longer. Telling such a story over and over again slips in our subconscious as roots. Can you imagine? It begins to shape our relative based beliefs. We begin to develop illusions of timely possibilities. We say “Well it too me that long to get from there to here so it will take me this long to get from here to there’. The hours exhausted for the sake of practicing a relative structure of identity cuts into valuable time for developing the newness that we’ve brought ourselves into. 
Do we have to listen to this every time... REALLY!
Do you know someone that can’t experience something new, like the moment, without comparing it to some old crap that they experienced in the past? Their favorite terms are ‘it’s like’ and ‘it’s not the same as...’. Holy crap! Newsflash: Life Is Coming and Life is New! Life runs ‘Forward’. Can you keep up? It’s suggested by Sky Echo Pencil that all of the bliss, love and abundance lives in life and ‘At the Speed of Life’. The magic is in the ‘New’.  Will you ‘Be here Now’ and for crying out loud ‘Be New Now’? How is it possible to capture the brilliance of the Now when we desensitize ourselves to the ‘Happening’ through past referencing. It kills life. You know why we do this? We have developed a sense of identity through comparison. When there’s nothing else to compare ourselves too we use our past selves. The calling and encouragement is to Dare to create a New model of self identity. The funny part is that many of us use a past reference comparison model but we want to be unique, special and different. News Flash, there’s nothing unique about using such a model to develop an identity. Does comparing sound brilliant. We are in a brilliant life. Does it seem amazing that one gains a sense of self by comparing themselves to this or that. Does that sound kind of analog. Be brilliant if you want to be brilliant. Be brilliant in you models of developing identity and thinking. 
Practice: For three days, notice the comparing nature of you. Notice the past reference structure in you. See it as you have taken yourself out of the brilliance of the ‘New Now’ and into the model of the ‘Old and dead’. 
When you see any ‘past referencing’ and ‘relative identity’ going on verbally say
 ‘I’m past referencing and taking myself out of the brilliant New Now.  
‘I’m relative identifying and taking myself out of the brilliant New Now.  
The key is to see the habitual and debilitating behavior. Here’s the fun part, start to see it in others, BUT don’t tell them. Last part is key kids. It gets weird and don’t break the rules. But you can see how it’s not such a ‘unique’ practice or model of developing identity. Be brilliant. 
The way of Brilliance is to Let Go of the past as soon as it passes. Lean and become new in the Moment and carry on. Be New Now... Now... And now.... And now. Stay caught up with life at the speed of life. Exist at the speed of life. Don’t be slow. Get off the old and continuously step into the New. This is where all that we’ve ever wanted will only live. Let it be. This is where all of our love will exist. Let it be. There love lives not ‘a little here and as it’s ‘Like that one time’ a little there’. NO!!! It’s All Only Here!!! Waking Up is an exhilarating. Can we be with it? 
Notice the past referencing and relative identity in you and others. Say it out loud only when you do it no matter what. Three day. Be weird and say it in that moment no matter where you are. Play with ‘New Life or Death’ intensity. It’s doesn’t take all day to change it all forever. Play and play within the structure of the design. Freelance if we want and may we enjoy our dramatic frustration, confusion and loneliness. Play and Thrive. Simple as that. Let the past die and stop identifying with it.. Is our game. 
What I’ve given you now is a space and the permission to look at your current model of identity. Never minding me, would you give yourself the safe space and permission to look at this yourself? If so, do it. Take a look at it. 
I’ve given some suggestions to play with on how to get out the debilitating illness. 
I’ve given some ‘New’ vocabulary and it seems that you were able to be at the ‘Speed of Life’ and understand the use of the new words. 
Open mindedness with imagination and the identification and dismantling of limiting life models leave us to be unstoppable in life.

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