Monday, March 3, 2014

Sky Echo Pencil: The Happening

Sky Echo Pencil: The Happening

It's been fun to identify what Sky Echo Pencil 'is'. Being able to articulate any imagination or vision is a priceless gift itself. Fun and entertaining until instruction is applied; changing all and everything forever.  

Sky Echo Pencil has come to full vision.  I am grateful, humble, excited and ignited. 

A 'New Life Group' (30 day communal New Life Building) was started and we are nearing the middle of the short introduction. It has been phenomenal without dwindle! May we 'Gain the new by the power of two'. We really are on to something here in applying all faculty, rule and journey towards the development. 
Sky Echo Pencil serves those pursuing life that allows 'the Impossible' to happen. It's for people wanting their lives sustained by the 'New Wonders' of Self, Life and Love separately and as a trinity. It is all so clear now. It's for those that are interested in the 'New' of life. It's for those interested in wanting more than a 'knowing' about what 'it' is. It's for those wanting an actual experience of the unlocked wonder  as their lives themselves. How could our life be if it were sustained by Synchronicity as  gravity is a sustaining force for physical existence on planet…Earth? If our life were an undeniable demonstration of the impossible, what would make it worth it to live? Our history suggest that it's healthy to ponder a new language; to ponder the profound.  If all what was there was for us was Love, would we let it in? Would we be able to find a way to still have ourselves choose? Choosing in required we know. Would we give ourself permission to exercise our freewill? 

These can tricky questions for us. The daily events of the life i live have turned to ones that are supported by synchronicity continually, consistently and effortlessly. It’s a new baseline of existence, and why shouldn’t it be. It was all to be unlocked at some point, and our time is Now. Where synchronicity was once experienced only as flared moments to be entertaining and fun, it now exists as the sustaining water of ‘New Life’. Where it was all once within a measure of 'time', synchronicity is now an available platform as measure that life exist. Synchronicity is the river which flows the New Paradigm of Self, Life and Love; the gift is that we are present to have such be our carrier of life. It is All profoundly perfect.   

 'Synchronicity' is a part of life. It's been there for us. Called coincidence or devine intervention, we have each experienced this. What if it could be figured out? What if it was to be figured out? What if it is inevitable that we will develop into it as we did from pony express to ipads or survival to bliss. Sky Echo Pencil has a key to ‘New Life’, Synchronicity and so much more. 

It’s Time

I have been blown away in seeing the grandness of this formula alive and in action through me and others of such stage of mind and practice. The most brilliant thing has been how it can be learned or shared; made available as a gift. This is were my life is today. The truth is that I love. I love big and I love a lot. I fall in love with every woman that I see and I align and extend a loving hand to my fellow brothers. I love all within the spectrum between. 

For me, the truth is that we are Everything. I’m in love in life.  As I see it, the only other option is to be in fear. I was in fear greatly. I was horrified if I may not lie. I had to see that side so that I could be now Love.

 I remember why I came. It had to be so because it is perfect. I am clear now. All I want to do is love you. You are me and I am you and we will never be the same...  But we surely are of One. It’s the difference between understanding something and actually ‘getting it’. ‘Getting it’ needs no explanation. ‘Getting it’ is Always enough. 'Getting it' is always worth it. I get it and I love you.

Heaven and Hell by jay-pegA sea has been sailed and the fruit has been brought back for all to see, for all to taste and for each to choose. The 'all' is our collective and the 'each' lies in you and me.  We are in a Paradigm Shift. The gift is that we have permission to let go 

of all that has been as the rules no longer apply. New Life, the impossible, it really is happening. It's here. And aren’t we happy about it. 

‘Thank heavens, for crying out loud!’

Live in Love. Live for New Life

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