Saturday, April 2, 2016

Why Do You Have To Be So Smart?

Why Do You Have To Be So Smart? 

Intelligence and Organization 

If you are a guy you may want to read this to get a greater clarity of what may be going on with the frustrations within women in your life. Forward this blog to other women whom you see that this may serve.

Have you ever felt like your smarts were what was bringing all the troubles in your life? "Oh, if I could only be naive and not know." The truth is that, Yes, your intelligence can bring about a level of confusion, frustration, exhaustion, loneliness or even overwhelm. Have you caught yourself dumbing yourself down so that you could get some of the yummy things in life that you see every else is getting?

Generation by generation women are becoming ever more powerful and intelligent. It is so that you as the woman were designed to more tightly connected with the almighty intelligence than men. We are in an age when we have permission to accept the undeniably displayed patterns between men and women. It is OK for you to accept that you are more of intuitive being when come between you and men. In order to bring any intelligence to its optimal state of power, it must be organized. This post is to bring a mindfulness to you that the intelligence and intuitions within you must be organized.

This theater of intelligence includes your emotions, intuitions. Can you see in the past, or maybe even
today, that without Organization your intelligence, emotions and intuitions can take control of you? Before all else, when looking at your past of how your collective intelligence may have taken over you, would you be willing to see how Organization would be a powerful key in bringing you to stability? I'm using the word Organization. Let me share with you what I mean.

Organization, the way that I'm using it, has a relationship with time, clarity of actions and clarity of intentions. A great way to articulate this would be to think about your physical body. You are an organism. You have multiple organs with you. Your organs know when, what and why to do what they do. Your body is operating by an Organ-ized Intelligence. It has to do with seeing the big picture while you are not only directly a part of it but "The Life of It'. What's the intention? Why are you doing what you are doing? Why is he, she or Life doing what they are doing? In this case, it would be why are your emotions, intuitions and intelligence doing what they are doing? Having clarity of where the emotions, intuitions and intelligence that flows within your fits is a part of having peace within your own skin.

While we are here I might as well tell you the full scope of how I am using 'Intelligence'. I see Intelligence as being able to be Organized in four parts.

1. Emotional Intelligence                                                  3.Mechanical Intelligence
2. Social Intelligence                                                        4. Universal Intelligence

Between men and women, as I have accepted, men are mostly superior with mechanical intelligence. Noticing the patterns and ways of how to use 'Things'. Though strong with mechanics we may struggle with navigating in the world of emotions or even universal intelligence. Collectively, guys are goal orientated. Guys are more of one plus one equals two kind of mind. As a man myself, our social settings are mostly used to compete and establish our position of hierarchy. Not exactly how a woman may use their social environments. Let's just say this, guys don't brush each other's hair and serve one another emotionally. We honor one another logically. Some of us can have a hard time respecting emotional intelligence as we can be confused on wher it fits in out lives. Our relationship with emotional intelligence is one of seeking to shut it down and get them out of the way. Men were mindfully built to 'Get Strong'  or get logical or mechanical. As it relates to Getting Smart, well the closest we come is getting strategic. Strategic in the sense of finding more clever ways to use and discover new 'Things'. Our Social intelligence is directed toward reaching status, survival and domination.
Have you notice these differences between the sexes for yourself? Of course, I am speaking collectively of men and women. I also have to address that I am mostly observing the American culture. What I would say is that there are enough significant consistencies to take some steps toward clarity between the sexes as it relates to each of these categories of intelligence. We simply don't use them the same way. As I see it, the world is moving toward Togetherness and Thriving and away from competing, surving an dominating. The world is moving toward pulling down a higher intelligence, a universal intelligence, which may be beyond the valid and honorable uses of strategies discovered and put to work by mostly men.

As I see, for you as the woman you have a unique power in each of these categories of Intelligence. Your power doesn't run parallel to the performance power of men in these categories. What would say? Are we the same? Are we equally connected in our emotional intelligence? Do we use our social environments in the same way?

Here's where organization comes into play. Men and women were designed differently. You as a woman have a completely distinct set of rules of how to play in each of these categories. Your mind and feelings were designed to be more in harmony with universal intelligence. The idea is to nourish the intelligences which you were designed for. Reaching a communal state of thriving will surely take each of our gifts. For that, we have to know where we fit and where we belong. Without organization (clarity of when, what and why) things can become confusing, frustrating, exhausting, lonely or overwhelming for as a woman in a men made world. These experiences express themselves in relationships, life or even within your own skin. Without organization, your intelligence has the power to literally drive you crazy.

Life is divinely asking you to get it all sorted out; to get your intelligence organize so that you can exprience your unique clarity, confidence and peace. The trouble with that there aren't many places for you to go. Are there? The institutions and systems out there are mostly 'male minded'. Get money, survive, and dominate. It may be in our world today that the nourishment of your unique intelligenece has been collectively neglected, unappreciated or disrespected. Where do you go to nourish your distinct gifts? Where do you go to get your intelligence organized?

What there is to take away here is that Intelligence always asked to be Organized. If anything, hopefully this read clarifies your search of what you may be looking for. Times of searching for clarity or orientation are sure to come in life. I hope this blog gives you direction. Step by step the full beautiful and distinct power of you can become fully alive.

You are the Universal Queen. There is a destiny for you. You were designed to marry with your unique Intelligence with a unique Organization.  The more vast your range of Intelligence gets the more the calling for Organization becomes. Have you ever wondered if your emotions or intuitions were a gift or a curse? Harmony is with the marrying between Intelligence and Organization. Without organization, there can only be a curseful chaos. Discover the harmony within your own skin. Take this clairty with you as you further become the Fully Alive woman that you are.

Togetherness Is Our Life,
     Humanity Is Our Family &
   the World Is Our Home.

Live In Love,

Leo Johnson II

creator of "An Intelligence for a Thriving Woman"

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