Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Stand In Your Light!

Stand In Your Light! 

I missed my father's death while I was away in Afghanistan. I knew he was sick and a month before he passed I did fly back to Sacramento, California to see him. Sitting in the hospital and watching him as he slept I knew that I was spending my final moments with him. I knew that once I left and went back to Afghanistan that I would never see him alive again. I came back for his funeral a month after and laid him to rest. 

I remember him lying in his bed in a moment of frustration and asking, "Why do I have to suffer so much?" In a way, it was bittersweet to hear. It was bitter as I heard felt his frustration. It was sweet as I knew there was hope. I immediately felt confident that I carried the answer to that question within me; or at least a piece of it. I didn't hear his question to solely come from him. I heard it that all of humanity was asking that question on some level.

Some of us came into this world holding on to more of universal clarity than others. For those who have comes a mission. The mission is to share your clarity or gifts with the world. These individuals, I call them Lights, are not exactly immune to the suffering of the world, though, they may have greater mindful tools to use to keep themselves sane. Assuming that their clarity or gifts are properly organized. 

There's a romance and abrasiveness that comes with having a high level of universal clarity. True, there is a greater peace that may come to these individuals, but there are also times when having a greater universal clarity can hurt. Hurt not in that average way but in that universal way. We may often feel misunderstood, ignored or frustrated as those around us may not be picking up the universal signals as we are. Or at least not accepting them. 

My interest in thisparticular blog is about the abrasive experiences that a Light can experience with their close family or friends. You see, there is a way that a Light can be rejection or disapproved from their own family. A Light may experience an enormous amount of exhaustion from the effort involved with trying to explain to their families what they are universally receiving or being called to do. The greatest shame would be that they become so exhausted that they never really fulfill their universal mission. It's kind of like being trapped in between two dimensions of responsibility: living a life in limbo. Trying to juggle family and their universal mission. Our choices become, " Serve our families or serve our God, Source, Universe or Infinite Intelligence. "
I see clearly how the Design of Life often conveniently uses this as a graduating measure for all Lights. Life wants to see which path are we going to wholly commit to. Do you live for saving your family or do you live to fulfill your universal intention. The conflicts that arise within the presence of the two happen frequently. 

I myself chose to live for fulfilling my personal universal intention. I interpret it as being the contribution for furthering Universal Life. As I see it, much of the pain that we experience in Life is due to the lack of Universal messages being induced into our heart, minds and behavior. I feel that we will continue to suffer until we learn to honor the highest clarity within ourselves. Is committing to this dimension of life while living in this 3 dimension a scary thing to do? For me, it absolutely has been. For me it's been down right horrifying at times. 

I've seen the frowns cast toward me from those close to me. I've experienced my love being interpreted as weakness. I've expereinced my absence or my silence be interpreted as that I don't care. None of these of course are of actuality but how else is a mind to interpret my behavior or presence without the clarity that shapes my presence or behavior? It truly is a riddle. 

In the academy, I empower women how to not get caught up in exhausting explanations. Digging ourselves out of the holes we are placed in by those who do not accept or understand can be a losing battle for all of us. As I see it is that, we are suffering because we have not made the sacrifices that may inevitably come with choosing to live for fulfilling our Universal Mission. Our attention can either be one unlocking the riddles and discovering the new arts for us to get our gifts and messages out. Or our attention would be on stuggling to hold on to the normality of our family traditions. The question is, "What are you going to live for?" 

As I see it, no matter what, there is a clear conundrum. It isn't necessarily difficult to resolve it but it would require acceptance and a "Trans-Mission" of intentions to bring about harmony. When it comes between a Light and their families that they each understand each other's intention. It isn't difficult for a Light to understand an intention to support, love and preserve the family dynamic between them. We all want love. We all love each other. We all appreciate the laughs and times that we spend together. The turbulence begins when the Light articulates their Universal Intention. We are each unique and, what can we say, some have it and some don't. 

Each of us are solely responsible for what we have. It isn't for us to struggle to make someone have what we have. That would be pushing. But I think acceptance is the critical key when it comes to solving that conundrum. 

If you know yourself to be a light I would say to settle yourself in your clarity and have compassion. If you are struggling to accept a family member who may be a Light then I would say have divine level of acceptance. In order to avoid being exhausted and unfulfilled in life, if your are a Light, I would say, "Make It!". You as the Light are the key. If your don't discover your path and nourish your art to get your message out then all we are to be promised is suffering. For what you may sacrifice in your doing so, "Make It Count!" 
I wasn't there when my fathered died. I took a mini sabbatical right smack in the middle of a family reunion before. You have the freedom to fully commit to your Universal Intention. If or when you do, know that it's ok to pursue your path. Many may not understand. Many may frown at you first and then eventually come to hide their past presentation of ugly. Keep it all clear in your own mind as you go.  You are courageously carving a new path to further humanity into the next dimension. You have to 'Make It'. For all of your sacrifices, you can 'Make It Count' for humanity's greater good. Get there you beautiful Light. It will all become clear when your message is loud and clear. 

"Togetherness Is Our Life,   
    Humanity Is Our Family &
       the World Is Our Home." 

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