Saturday, September 17, 2016

There Is A New Game Of Life To Explore!

18 Sep 2016

There Is A New Game Of Life To Explore

Does how you see life make a difference? It makes all the absolute difference yet then is only the beginning. First things first, we must bring our perception of life in harmony with the actuality of what life is and how it works. This is the most courageous first step there is to take toward entering the theater of this infinite dimension. After coming into perceptual harmony there then must come the way to navigate and be universally orientated in this theater of infinite life. How do I gain the intelligence and power to command this infinite fabric of life to unfold in my personal favor? This is the second most courageous question to ask for ourselves. There is no necessity of our lives. We don't need to be happy. We don't need to know how to create progressive and healthy relationships.  Ultimately, we don't need to be alive. What is so is that we are here and it is all available. 

There's no way around that in order to win, graduate and thrive in all of this universal life there must be a profound clarity of the intelligence of this fabric of life. We have the gift as human beings to experience this life at a high level of clarity and command. It takes a surgical micro and macro view to begin to freely navigate in this theater. The rewards, you can truly have it all with confidence, clarity and command. The risk; confusion, frustration, exhaustion and loneliness until you do.  This isn't an ultimatum but rather the actuality of what this great gift of life is. It is a game. The most fascinating game ever created out of the infinite intelligence of Everything.

We are in a time of renewal. There is a new generation of human beings who are expanding their plane of clarity and command as it relates to universal life. There is no resistance to how far you can go. You see, we are not playing this game with one another but rather playing a game with life... together. Many people are blind to the intensity and urgency of their life and lifetime. The illusion of, "Ignorance is bliss", is perpetually crumbling as a perceptual model to get through this life. The time comes when you get to say, "Enough is enough". When have you seen enough? When have you heard enough? When have you hurt enough? There then do we begin to seek definitive clarity. Definitive command and definitive power. The riddle is that we are not in a universal season to be one seeking to be saved any longer. We are in a time of intelligence when human beings are with enough to seek to save themselves.

Sky Echo Pencil is the world's Elite Academy of Life Clarity for women. When you reach your point of saying, "When", know that you have somewhere still to explore.

"Togetherness Is Our Life,
      Humanity Is Our Family &
           the World Is Our Home"

Live In Love,


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