Friday, August 29, 2014

New Perceptions for New Life (BEING NEW NOW)

This is it. There is a direct relationship between our wholeness and our actual experience of life. Fair enough, it could be a confronting idea as in our right/wrong, good/bad mindsets. Who likes judgments being placed upon them or not being good enough in the eyes of another? Interesting enough, in the right environment each of these dislikes will prove to never come about.  

With compassion we can suggest to ourselves that if we discovered ourselves to be Awesome then we would surely want a life that demonstrated that Awesomeness. For bridging our awesome selves to having the awesome life, we first must set ourselves up with a view of life. What is life about? What can it be? Is it with us or against us? 

We can free ourselves from seeing life as a test. Ever hear this one? Life is doesn't have to be a test but can be a Gift. Who likes tests and our language will set the tone? If life were a test how would we ever become friends with it? EVERYTHING would have to be a 'Pass' or a 'Fail'. Blah, blah, bla, bla, bla! For what and for who? The Life is a test perception is simply a disempowering perspective to have towards life. On the brain side, there will be the same associations expressed towards life as there were in our naming all the capitol cities of the United States. "Pop Quiz: Fill in the blank suckers!" Or how about some calculus in your life. Talk about 'lawlessness'. That stuff involves more letters and funky symbols than numbers. 

 Other perceptions of life that have been offered to us have been: Life is tough and "Life is a B@$#! and then you die". Life isn’t fair. Our minds are the greatest power that we have for ourselves in the matters of what life will be for us. Although fun to say, with adopting any of these sayings/perceptions towards life, we greatly send Life in that direction to be just that for ourselves. You have a choice to give yourself a new chance with Life. Life will respond, that’s a promise; it really wants to be friends.  

We can create a perception of life that allows for a healthy friendship with life. For me, Life is a gift, a game and all for Love. For me, life isn’t about ‘Staying Alive’ but for Living. We aren’t mainly looking for a perception based off reason or current conditions of the world. One could look at the world today and say that life is about fighting and killing. That’s not where we want to take our loving selves. 

For this creation of perception, we want to get to our purest essence which is often the inner one that doesn’t care about what the outside world is doing or looks like. What would you like Life to be for you? Never mind the world and "them, they, he and she", what do you want Life to be? What is a way for life to be that leaves you confident that it will stay fun and keep you engaged? What's a way of Life that leaves you room to grow? 

Life is about expanding Love for me. Life is first about my loving myself. In the beginning, that was the game. I had to learn to love myself as it wasn't a given for me in my younger years. Now, the more I learn of myself the more I get to unconditionally love myself. Seeing life this way is a far distance from Fighting, tests or fairness. So what will Life be for you? Have fun with it. Write it down. What will you chose it to be? Will Life be a test or will it be a gift? You get to say and from there, So be it. 

Give yourself the lawless gift to create a perception of what Life will be about for you. Don't be nice when doing this also. It's just for you and no one will look. Come up with a playful and quick saying just like the ones we’ve heard before. We know how the rhymes go. PLAY! 

"LIFE is the most fascinating design EVER"
"This Life is an Amazing Gift"
"Life is where all of my dreams come true" 
"Life is where everyone falls in Love with me"

Leo Johnson (Sky Echo Pencil: BEING NEW NOW)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Serving You Makes Me Whole

Serving You Makes Me Whole

What can I say, we are not to do it alone. 'Togetherness' is a part of who we wholly are. There is nothing that fills my heart greater than that of serving another. For me, I believe in the New Life community. Undivided with humanity yet distinguished by their awakening. I believe that you are Brilliant. I believe that you are worth having your actual experience of life represent the brilliance of you. 

There was a time when I pleaded to even see another passionate soul. You have given so much to me through encouragement and support and it’s time that I pay it back. 

I've traveled the World, made money, created the loving relationships and now live from my passion and I say, "It's all for you now." I am of service to you. What do you want? Tell me what you really want. Let's come together and Thrive. In today's World consciousness makes the difference and I am here to share with you how that is so.  

Sky Echo Pencil is committed to standing with you through your endless journey of actually living the life of your dreams. Through thick and thin, I stand with you. My heart gets filled with a mix of warmth and exhilaration at the chance to dance in Life with you. Let's take it to the next level. Let's take it there with SPEED. Let's take it there in Spectacular Fashion.  

There truly is something 'Going On'. It's Wondrous and is to be Lived. It's New. Together we can come into alignment with it. The truth is that in your doing so, 'They will love you for it. They are begging you for it and you will have all that you’ve ever wanted.' 

Thank You for letting me serve you. My void is filled when I am expanding with you. 

Leo Johnson II

#Sky Echo Pencil 
Live In Love. Live IV New Life. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


What is Sky Echo Pencil LLC 

Sky Echo Pencil llc is ‘Becoming’. Sky Echo Pencil is an access to 'New Life'. Sky Echo Pencil is a creation of Superconscious philosophies, stories, models and practices for entering 'New Life'.   This platform casts conscious aligned Philosophies, Stories, Mindsets, Models and Practices to be used for actually experiencing a life of Bliss. I am often asked, ‘How the do you do all that you do?‘ As flattering as it is, I’m left realizing that the loved ones who ask me this aren't having such experiences for themselves. For years I've been asked this question from friends, family and those that I love. Underneath the implied compliment of their asking comes a sadness. I am easing my pain by sharing “How do I do it” through Sky Echo Pencil llc. 

 At New Minded individuals have shared testimonials. I wanted to share a  sense of the ‘Results’ of our experience together. The experience of Sky Echo Pencil is near impossible to explain. 

Trying to ‘explain it’ would be attempting to explain what is impossible to explain. . An Experience can only be shared through a story or experienced by one. You can stand on the pool’s edge and attempt to explain to me what ‘Wet’ is all day. I may even gain some ‘understanding’ but I won’t ‘Get It’.  But, you know if I jumped in that pool I will ‘Get’ what ‘Wet’ is Real Quick! 

'Explaining' goes with Understanding. 'Getting It' goes with Experiences

So, matched with some testimonials this message adds another piece for ‘understanding’ where it fits. Sky Echo Pencil is an environment that clarifies and undeniably demonstrates the ‘Art of BECOMING’. There is all of that which is 'Happening' and then there is an Ultimate 'Going On' of it all. Sky Echo Pencil teaches participants how to align with 'What's Going On' of Life. Life is the most fascinating design ever. Life itself is a riddle without warning. When we align with the rules of Life, there is no stopping us from creating any 'Happenings' within it. We must first know the language, personality and rules of Life. Sky Echo Pencil presents the "What is Going On' with Life in a harmonically aligned model.  Through books, seminars, websites, podcast, interviews, “Lights On” events, blogs, webinars, youtube, television, radio, virtual hangouts, and more, Sky Echo Pencil llc serves as a vehicle that drives the testified experiences by our Family (humanity) into your life. Sky Echo Pencil is a guide to 'New Life' and Superconscious Living. 

Sky Echo Pencil leaves you  ‘Full’ of yourself by the power of Consciousness so that you may actually experience the life you desire.  

The philosophies, stories and models that are shared though Sky Echo Pencil llc are for the purpose to have you actually experience, Empowerment, Inspiration, Connection, Love, Forgiveness, Clarity, Completion, Celebration, Passion, Fulfillment, Confidence, Peace, Welcomeness, Permission, Superconsciousness, Alignment, Imagination, Play and Drive. 

I’m here to introduce and make you friends with ‘New Life’ FAST! I am here to become family with you so that we may share our "Becomings" together in an environment of support and conscious integrity. Life itself becomes your protector, cheerleader, mentor, Guide and Rock. Done all out of Love and done ‘All IV You’, Life forever stands for You.  

Leo Johnson II

Sky Echo Pencil 
Live in Love. Live IV New Life. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Be New Now The Gravity of A True New Start

Be New Now
The Gravity of A True New Start

Why are ‘New Beginnings’ so attractive to us. As we know it, it’s for us to get out of our old crap and start some ‘New S#it’. If you are not in life ‘Startin Some S#it’ then you ‘Just ain’t Livin’! The key to ‘Startin some S#it’ is to ‘Start in YOU’. I encourage you to get in there, shake some things up, be lawless and make a ‘New You’. Do it for you, them and the greater good. Be new now; from the beginning.

As we’ve known it before, new starts give the feeling that we can leave our old stuff behind and start fresh. The ‘New Start’ gives us a ‘Clean Slate’. We give ourselves a chance to demonstrate our best without any work to be applied to transition others into our New world and self. We can now look at a new start to be for getting away from something or to even heal. But new starts are for becoming something, are to be created, and expanding ourselves. 

Conscious Secret One: Create a new World for every New Beginning.  We create a new world for ourselves when we are ready to brave a new. We create this new world ‘From’ our new selves. 
Examples: I was crazy self conscious when it came to singing and using my voice. I always felt that I would be speaking publicly one day but I had yet find my comfort with speaking and being in front of people. 

So I Created A New. I rode me mo-to to the nearest community theater. From the moment that I walked through the doors I practiced the ‘Be New Now’ frame from Sky Echo Pencil. Instead of being reserved and quiet, I practiced being comfortable and confident from the beginning. See if you can hear it this way; I practiced being comfortable and confident ‘As’ the beginning. Expansion will always start with the New You being the beginning. 

Anyway, I walked in the theater doors and the director just so happened to be standing with a small group chatting about an upcoming play. As they were engaged and I unaware that she was the director, I asked the ticket booth lady ‘How do I become an actor’? The director over heard me. She passed right through the middle of her party and came straight up to me. She introduced herself and told me that she was director of an upcoming play and that she was ‘Just talking about’ needing actors and that I so fit the bill. 

In my state of  ‘Newness’ and practice of  ‘Be New Now’ I was outspoken, playful and charismatic. She threw her hands out saying, “I gotta have you”. I threw my hands out saying, “I’m your huckleberry! Let’s Rock This Baby!’

I got the gig and went on to not only do the play but to perform in 5 of the following plays after, making it to the large stage of the King’s Center in Melbourne, FL. All within the first year of my debut acting career. 

It all turned out this way  by the power of  ‘Consciousness’. Consciousness practice of the  ‘Be New Now’ model. Conscious of practice of the ‘Never Wait’ model. Conscious practice of the ‘Structure of Expansion’ model. Consciousness of the ‘Real is Worth It’ model. Each of these Sky Echo Pencil models were applied in from the beginning; from the moment I stepped through those doors. This story is now my life and has aided in making me who I am today. Fair enough... I win. 

 ‘Consciousness Makes the Difference’

I played the game of life with these ‘New Consciousness Models’ and so was the how it all turned out. The promise is that a ‘New Consciousness’ in the same situations will make a ‘New Difference’ time and time again. The appropriate practice of these consciousness models will serve us. I have story after story from others who have put these ‘Conscious practices’ in to play but I’m actually seeing that I talk too much in these blogs so let me  ‘Shuuuuuuush’! And get back rolling lol. 

So a critical piece to all of this is starting something new from actually being the new that we are ‘moving’ into. This sounds like, ‘Whaaaaat?’. But do you get me? 

Be New Now!

 Create a World that perpetuates your being new. Step Into It and live in that World as the New You. Explore yourself, learn, laugh, refine. Embrace it all as you journey, your story, your becoming. I was a seasoned performer after that year of community theater stardom. It all started from the beginning with stepping through those doors like, ‘My new show is ON’! Literally, apparently.  To often we feel the need to explain ourselves when we make a shift. We feel the need to have a good reason available. Forget all that I’d say and demonstrate that we can actually be someone new from this moment.  It’s the capability of making a rapid shift into  ‘Newness’ that is the advantage in life.  It’s a capability for the Supernatural. 

It’s  ok for us to be someone that we’ve never been before for the sake of our expansion. We don’t have to wait for permission to further expand ourselves also. ‘Go’ and be in Love. Never wait, encourage those around you to ‘Get a Life’ too if they are having a hard time with your expansion. May they not just get a life but a ‘New Life’; driven by what they want for ‘Themselves’. Encourage them to ‘GO’. It’s Time to stop holding on and to let go. The old is killing us and we know it. It’s an era of Expansion and Growth. 

What’s been missing from our creating a ‘New Start’ is that we ourselves haven’t been the Conscious. We don’t know the structure of how  bringing about the ‘New’ actually works. Sure we can do the act of moving about but there’s no ‘Consciousness’ behind it. And Consciousness is what makes all the difference. Have you ever been frustrating of making moves but things still turning out the sam? It’s like ,’ What the Heck Man’. Let’s end all that frustration and start ‘Kickin a$$’.  ‘Newness is married to Expansion’. The more consciousness is applied to life the greater life becomes. We are in a paradigm shift. This stuff ain’t taught in schools and before Sky Echo Pencil this stuff has been shared, if even discovered!!! Sounds like ‘big talk’ uh? It is what it is, until it isn’t. Get in where you fit in. 

At least for a while there are still going to have to be ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in life. It’s not all determined by character, some simply were never given the chance.  It’s my business to get you on ‘Winners Row’. 

I love you

Leo Johnson 
Sky Echo Pencil

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Life is a Game: Inconvenience of an Awakening

Life is a Game: 
Inconvenience of an Awakening

It’s early morning and what a way to start the day with you. I must send you a picture of this view. Wow. 

I woke up this morning with a clarity about life. A simple theme that is so simple that it isn’t so obvious. The moment I say it you may feel to say, ‘Duuuuuh’! But there are some specifics in this theme that we might want to take note on. So here it is. 

‘Turn all of life into an internal game of personal developement’. 

Simple enough? After that night of resurrection  I had experienced in my early teens (In the book), I remember deciding to play my life like a video game. As crazy as it may seem, I had come out of a depression in a very powerful and fearless way that night. I figured what other way to live than to imagine that I was ‘writing a book of life’...with my life. When there were scary decisions to make I would ask myself,
 ‘Which path writes the better story of life? And then...’. 

How about that for a way of living. Can you imagine that life became completely adventurous, fresh and new. I’ve made some Big moves by this simple little question. I joined the U.S. Air Force at age 21. I left the U.S. Air Force at 25. Times where said to be ‘Hard’ then, but for me to sign another 4 year enlistment I felt that my ‘Story of Life’ would get stale. I left a secure Government Job to work in Afghanistan. I went while a war was going on. Ever feel the compression wave of an explosive? ‘I HAVE’. Ok, that’s a bit riskaaay there but so be ‘My story'. 

So I can tell you, it wasn’t about being reckless or irresponsible. But it was about, 

‘Living to my Capacity’

Live to your capacity we say at Sky Echo Pencil. If you feel that you are prepared, could do it and that there is something of value in it for you, then Do It. 
‘Movement’ creates a good story.’ 
Can you imagine a movie that was all shot in on scene. Blahhhhhh! or me it's been about every ten years that I'll call some place home, and then I’m Out. I was capable of moving and had the emotional, physical or conscious capacity to move so, So I did; in theatrical fashion no less.  We are each different and appropriately have our different levels of capacity. It’s be silly to compare ourselves to another. Like a good friend of mine use to say, 

‘I... don’t want your LIFE’. 

‘Jeez, what an abrasive internal dialogue.’ I totally see that this is pretty hard self talk but I think it’s healthy that we each say this to ourselves and hear this for ourselves. Kind of keeps ourselves in check. No one wants my life and I don’t want anyone else’s life. 'All Agreed'? We just kind of fit ourselves in this catchy phrase and let the magic of life happen. Look out, here comes Humility. Ahhhhhh!

The truth is that we really don’t want someone else’s life. We just want to fast forward our journey of getting what we want. We want what other people have available for us. We are only interested in what they have available for us as it relates to what We want. Can we imagine is life was about just getting stuff? Scene 1: ‘She wants it ALL’. Scene 2: ‘She gets it from someone else’. THE END and ‘BoooooorING’!Life is about becoming someone and experiencing the journey of that. Experience the journey of your becoming; hence, personal development. 

‘Where’s the JUICE’, as my mother would say when she read my assigned English papers. I’d tell her it must be where my interest is on the assigned subject. Somewhere out there, they are living happily ever after. 

 Our lives come with  the story of our journeys. Our journeys greatly contribute to who we are.  Who are you? How does the story of your journey go? How’s your life BABY? ‘Twinkle, Twinkle BABY! I’m just clownin.’  (Vince Vaughn: Be Cool) 

But who are we kidding, YOU are the most brilliant thing alive and your journey is the most exciting thing happening for you as my journey is for me. So maybe we freak out when we think of our own brilliance. Or not believe it. Or accept it. We can talk about stepping into our brilliance anytime. Just facebook message me. And no jokes about me needing an English class. 

So movement makes a good story. How about this, 

“Movement with self Expansion makes a Sex Scene” 

Oh, Delicious! What’s attractive is being aware of our capacities and capabilities (CC) AND ‘Acting On Them’. Acting on them, as in, creating a life that ‘Pulls’ us into practice of our CC. Our true CC only come out when there is a demand. Hard Truth: Humanity is a LaaAaaZay species. If not physically then emotionally. I know you awesome supernatural beings are out there. Where are you? I want to be around you and learn. Cause ‘I am laaaaazaaay!’ I’ll PLAY all day but me no likey ‘Work’. What a ‘dirty word’. 

  So like a video game, we put ourselves in and create environments and situations that call us to be of our full capacity and capability. How can such a way of life NOT sound like the story of  Double O’ SEVEN, the most Interesting Man or Woman ALIVE, Luke Skywalker, Jason Bourne, BATMAN!!! I say we be a Superhero!!! Yes we CAN!

Inconvenience of an Awakenings

I have kids now. I have this now. I don’t have that now. I'm too old. I'm too fat. I have no friend... ‘Shuuuuush!’ (‘Matt Wilson: EncinoMan,1992 starring Pauly Shore) 

Holy cow, I jokingly say that with the greatest love and compassion. But I’ve learned that life is all about the ‘Start’. When are we going to ‘Start’ living? Some of us are straight up ‘Surviving’ now. I feel your pain. Something’s got to give. 

Hard Questions: 

Are you scared of success?  
Are you scared of creating something New that you won’t be able to handle?
Oh! Are we being lazy and ‘enduring’ the journey. Lol. 

Hey, I’ve gotten ‘Exhausted before I’ve started’ many of times. I gotta, get a business license, I gotta get a website, I gotta find a mentor, I gotta finish this marketing ad. Of course I ended up taking a Nap! Hey, I get it. 

So be it that our awakenings come at inconvenient times. Fair enough. But may we have the courage to acknowledge that our opportunities for awakening are always there. The people, the money, the internal development and the chances to see things a in a New way is all already in your life. It's only by the power of you that it will all be tapped into. By the power of your 'Start'.  

My friends. I love you. What a gift this life is. If you’d like to contact me on facebook go for it.  You guys Rock!!! It’s a beautiful day. Let’s Play this life like a video game. Trust in what we must trust and ‘Take it to the Max’. Let’s see if this promise of abundance and bliss is real. 

Have a Wonderful Sunday. Don’t forget to laugh, smile and tell someone how much you appreciate them. Let’s rock this baby. 

Leo Johnson II
Sky Echo Pencil 

Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Friday and I'm Feeling a Healing
(A Season of Healing or Expansion) 

Call me a 'Sell-Out' for excitement. Give me an excuse, ANY excuse. I want to be excited!!! It's Friday baby! 'How are you FEELIN Today'? I never want to lose that feeling of a good Friday. I haven't worked a 40hr 9 to 5 in over a decade. My weekend days have been all throughout the week and NOW… EVERYDAY is a weekend day!!!  I'll shut up now. It's sickening, I know. 

I remember coming home from schools on a Friday and the Day was a bit brighter. Something was in the air. Time seemed to stand still. I  LOVED that. Some of those Fridays I'd be walking home with my backpack and the sun would start to go down. I STILL would be working my way home and it would be getting DARK!!! Hangin with Friends. Taking it EASY. Wishing for a kiss from one of so many girls that I had a crush on. Fridays Were the DAYS MAN!!! 

Our Sky Echo Pencil family uses a lens to view ourselves and others as either in a season of Healing or a season of Expansion. If even for the day. For this Friday I am in a Season of Healing. I’m lounging Baby!!! Lol

A season of Healing could come from anywhere. Recuperating from a workout, long week or world traveling (I like this one). Or it could be an emotional healing. 'I feel I need to say I'm sorry.' 'I feel I need to HEAR I'm sorry from someone'. Or it could come through as , 'I need to tell someone that I love them.' They've been on your mind. I need to heal the pain in my heart from my last breakup. A season of Healing is some kind of emotional or physical turmoil, pain, disturbance or exhaustion that is already going on inside of us. There's a calling for 'Quiet time' and 'Stillness' in this season. A little nature tingling on the tongue for this season works great. Get some UV protected Sun, Smell the roses!!! You follow me? 

A season of Expansion could be a calling of action to seek, create or move towards a passion. Movement for the obtainment of something 'Out there' to become 'In Here' or ‘Here’. Again emotionally or physically. From a place of desire. Like so many of those 'kisses' that I was wishing for. I was looking to 'Expand' you know what I'm sayin? I was hungry for something and going after it...when I didn’t wimp out of course.

 It would be that we passion driven action to learn something. It could be that  we want to perform or demonstrate something. It could be that we want to experience something alone or with someone.  This is a season that drives us. 'Action Time' and might get a little LOUD! Like building a home, skil Saws, hammers, nail guns, big trucks, drills and such. That's it, we are 'Building' in this season. 

Conflict: We may see that we could be in either season at any given moment of time. What do we do Then?. Can we see that if our spirit, soul or body is requesting a healing (51% tip) but our ambition didn't read the memo then there could be problems. A problems more like frustrations, confusion or exhaustion around why things aren't working out they way we want them too.  

Or people are pulling us in all directions but we really need to honor our season of healing and say 'No'. What do we do instead of going with them… NOTHING! lol. Rest is POWERFUL. LoL. Heal baby. Love, laugh and relax. We fear letting those we love around us down but we gotta learn how to say 'No' you know. We feel like we need a valid reason for our healing.  Much like a sore achy body after a hard workout our surgery. If a friend or family or boss pushes for us to expand or perform or demonstrate something while in this season we gotta know that we aren't going to do the task, situation, relationship or life experience in the most powerful way. 

In some ways we could actually emotionally or physically hurt ourselves or even someone else, or a relationship, or situation when we fail to be conscious of what season we are in.  

Imagine someone experiencing a break up after a 3 year relationship. They want to hurry up and expand and 'get something' out there, 'In Here'. They want to dive into another relationship. So they push for a another relationship within a week after their break up let’s say. We all know, Anyone who dates this man or woman is ASKING FOR IT!  There's very likely a season of HEALING that they may need for themselves and for crying out loud the other person.

Bonus note: Expanding is not ‘Running’. Running is using an illusion of expansion as a distraction to actually go there, heal and get real. 

This is no joke stuff and they ( the 3yr breakup person)  could have all that they've ever wanted but they themselves must know where they are and come clean. Be honest and true for me and for you. 

Trust... break up sex is the bomb diggity bomb bomb (dot) com. But, after a break up of 3yrs, let's not try to THINK that the dynamics of our emotional or energetic state is one of stability, completeness or health enough for a committed relationship. That’s ‘Running’. But we can be clear and we can get through it together with love and healing. 

So!!! There may come a day where it may be difficult to tell which of the Healing or Expansion seasons we are in. That 51% lean line may be a little cloudy one day or in one moment. What we Conscious and New Minded people of Sky Echo Pencil do then is 'Always lean towards the Healing first'. True we 'New Minded' folk are Supernatural but we are still least in form. 

Anyway, check it! If I have a hard workout my body is only going to be able to keep pace for so long. If I keep ‘pushing’ it, I'm mostly doing more harm than good at that point. 

On an ‘Emotional Push’ level,  say I'm experiencing an “inconvenient truth” in a relationship like Seeing that ‘moving on’ serves best for both of our expansion  or theres just some miscommunication  or miscue in a relationship and I'm being asked to perform a task at work that is very significant. My end outcome for work is not going to be as good without this healing/ clearing/cleaning of my relationship. 

Not bueno for Me, Them OR the Greater Good. It's worth it just to get my stuff together and Heal. It's all good. Oh, and let me be Quick about it and drag it on for days and days. Let's 'Get R Done'. Heal it up and get back in the game of life yea? I call it 'Falling off the Earth'. I'll fall off the Earth and Pop back in it, like a pulse. You'll hear from me for a while and then… you won't. lol. Right! It's all Love. 

If we have appropriate consciousness and act with speed we will never have to ‘Push’ through life, projects relationships or to get through our day. If anything should come up we will have more in our tank to get through it in a healthy way. I mean heck, we can know what season we are in when we wake up in the morning. We are already ahead of the Game of LIFE!!! Are you Kidding Me!! We Got this!!! 

I don't know about you but I take all committed relationships to be purely for Expansion... as an expectation. It's not for the other to be my healer.  I feel that it’s my full ‘Responsibility’ for MY healing and to bring a clean spirit into a relationship, you know. 

For me, relationships are for AMAZING EXPANSION! Now there's nothing wrong with support, love, empowerment and insight but may it be clear that 'It for Dang sure isn't someone else's job to get Our crap together'. I wouldn't 'Expect' that from  the other person but should take it as a gift if it's present and available.   Bwahahahahah! That sounds cold but who are we kidding! It's time to grow up, RIGHT...Right...right...? Hello?

 Ok, ‘The Practice’:   Answer "Are you in a season of expansion or healing"?. Just in this moment. 

What's the 51% tipping point. that's all we need to Roll with it. For you Scientist and Headies our there. Chillax!!! Get in your heart a bit and just roll with it yea? No thinking and figuring it out. Gut feeling, Go with it and PLAY. 

Fun Play: See if you can tell if your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom or the person next to you is in a season of Healing or Expansion. 

Ohhhhh, look at your 'Conscious Eye' go. You may really be good at this. 

Now you may be able to speak to people more powerfully with this 'Practice of ACTIVE Consciousness'. 

Ok, Go play. You talk too much. Have a blast. You know you could play with this and find out that you are pretty freakin good at it. 

Information without instruction is only entertainment as our Sky Echo Pencil way. lol. We say that we are here to 'Move' and 'Grow'  when we can rather than being able but in stillness.   There's LIFE to be LIVED!!! I say we Go for it. How about you. Let's take people watching to the next level. Let's call them out. 'Healing'! 'Healing'! 'Expansion, for sure'!

And I want feedback. How was this post? Was it helpful? Was it fun? Let me know. I am Expanding and as I see it, I can’t do it alone. 

Go make Everyday a Weekend day… like me. Something makes the difference. Go and see how being Conscious of seasons of Healing and Expansion make a difference in your life. See if you speak differently to others, your family,  your kids once you’ve nailed what season that they are in. 

Oh and here’s the game for the big boys and girls. Find out what season other people are in  without directly asking them. 

Can you figure it out within 5 minutes of talking to them. Say what you need to say and ask what you need to ask to see if you can more deeply conscious of them. It calls for the practice of 'Imagination'. PLAY

Before anything, may we be congruent within ourselves yea? Heck Yea. No internal conflicts is a Fun and Abundant place to live. 

You think you are good Sucka!!! Show ME!!! 

I Love you. Have Wonderful rest of this Friday. 

Leo Johnson II
Sky Echo Pencil

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mastering Pain

Mastering Pain

Let's begin with a new view of pain. Imagine. Life comes with disturbances and discomfort. We can all this pain. These disturbances and discomforts (DD) are unavoidable in life. So then, what makes the difference. The difference is assumed or inherited DD or created DD for the sake of inevitable expansion. What does life honor? Life honors expansion as does the Universe. Let’s Play and embrace this model if only for now. How we relate to 'expansion' in our individual lives is in our ‘becoming’. This becoming is the shifting of habits and life occurrences that are appropriate towards our desires. We can 'Wait' for life to come at us or we can 'Create' life and live into it. If we are to create life for ourselves then by what measure will we do so? Let it be one for the sake of expansion and two by the directive of our passion and inspiration. 

We take time to align with what we love. To remember or explore or flip through our curiosities to get an idea of what would 'Move' us. I our ‘becoming’ or going for something, we accept that we are here and want to be or experience 'There'. The requirement of movement/ expansion is already there. We now do the profound and create our disturbances and discomforts ourselves for the sake of a expansion and a greater experience to life as we know it. 

The New View:

For each of us, life ‘must’ disperse a dose of DD. It’s a rule of life. Abrasive as it may be, may we come to accept it… for now. It’s a must so that the  structure of the abundant gift that is available for us is not compromised. Our choices are that we can ‘Wait’ for life to happen or that we can 'Create' life and step into it. Either way life will do it’s job and maybe we will see our power of it and do ours. Let’s add another element and say that for the sake of always giving us a chance and never giving up on us, life has a way of always pushing us towards our bliss. Consciously or unconsciously. I mean, this thing is truly out for us to actually experience bliss.  It will never quit on us, abandon us or  fail us. It must perpetuate motion as it knows and that is what it is here to do and profoundly, it knows that is what we want. We are called to 'Raise our hands to Life' and say I'll participate.


 There’s a bag of DD that we must experience. We are here to experience our ‘becoming’ and life knows this. We will never be given more than we can handle but these DD's  ‘must’ be stepped into and experienced or endured. It's US who are sending the command. We could again,  ‘Wait’ to life to hand this dose of DD to us and give us our chance of growth through a failing relationship, a flat tire, or even disappointment OR we can actually reach our hand in the bag and take our dose thus causing life to back off a bit and be seemingly easier on us. We know how life works and may have all experienced life handing us our dose. With it 'Handing' us our dose it can be confusing. It take a profound imagination to unveil what is actually 'Going On'. Never mind the distraction of the actual situation, relationship or circumstance, right? The question is ‘How do we reach our hand in the bag and take our dose AND why would we do such a paradoxical/ counter intuitive thing’? 

Question One: How do we reach our hand in the bag and take our dose? With a consciousness of  life’s  necessity to  ‘Ever Expand’ we create environments, situations and circumstances that bring about disturbances and discomforts upon us. Say Whereat!!!!  We do this out of our knowing of the necessity of ever expansion. We do this by moving towards our passion and inspiration. Side note: one at a time is best. It’s all that is required and yields a greater assurance that we will ‘Actually’ achieve this for ourselves. There will be DD as it will be something new for us. Fair enough, we want it though, Yes?  We want to actually experience passion or inspiring vision for ourselves. Through this only this, having actually experiencing this, do we know more of the truth of ourselves, capability and power. 

Question Two: Why would we do this? There is no escape from DD. We do this because we see the DD as worth it to overcome for the sake of a “New” experience, New Life and New Self. Achieving something great leaves us with a deeper knowing and and a deeper confidence about ourselves yes. So be it that it may be ‘Horrifying’ but we know that the journey is worth it, yea? So be our becoming. So be our fulfillment of expansion. So be life chillin out on us. 

We can ‘Wait’ and we may never know how the DD will manifest. We can ‘Create’ and afford ourselves the convenience of knowing when it’s going to happen, knowing that there’s something awesome on the other side, and give ourselves time to prepare. 

It must be a ‘True Pull’ though. There are no short cuts and bargaining. It must be a pursuit of something that actually leaves us insecure, uncomfortable, or a not knowing what or how it’s going to happen.

Example: I myself saw a life for me to speak, serve and share with others things that could facilitate their expansion in life. For this I had to speak. I was nervous and insecure about speaking. I knew that I would have to overcome this insecurity and nervousness so I started a speaking company. I came up with the idea and acted. H.Y.P.E. Speaking ( Higher Youth Preparedness Experience: sole proprietor) I had the consciousness of this ‘Life Rule’ in mind and I knew that if I was desiring it and wanting it that life was picking up the signal to be in my favor.  DD was coming and there was two ways that I could go about it. Within 3 weeks I was standing in front of classroom at a local high school. (message me, facebook me or email me on the ‘How’. I love You)  My speech was Horrible!!! I was everywhere and profoundly nervous but it was all about playing the game of a ‘Conscious and Universal Living’. I made many mistakes in the book of speaking and I LOVED IT. I was conscious of what the greater ‘Going On’ was. I had two options. The greater our desires the greater disturbances and discomforts to come. It all doesn’t sound too sexy from one end but from the other, Holy Cow what a ride! It was a BLAST!

I spoke for a day and even took the scheduled lunch break as the students did. It gave me time to reassess and try new things. Some more of that ‘Experimenting’ that is explained in the book (Book coming soon). They pulled two classes together for each session. I did 3 speeches and spoke to over 100 high school students. I knew enough about speaking and my level of development to know that I was far from sexy. But after the talks I heard everything from a student coming up to me with full inspiration saying, ‘How did you get into this? This is what I want to do’ to, ‘Are you single my mom needs a boyfriend’. The ‘What’s So’ through all of  this is through all of my insecurities I still reached them. More often than not we are more likely to be ‘Over qualified’ than not in how we see ourselves. We can still made a difference and who knows how we may impact the observers of our becoming but we called to take the action to ‘Become’. 

There’s nothing wrong with ‘The first one being the roughest’. But we ‘PLAY’ and most beautifully, it works. There’s no way around the gap of ‘Believing’, we just have to ‘Move’ at times. 

Live by your New consciousness from what you may have discovered here and play with this model; as a ‘Dare’, by the power of curiosity or challenge. With your ‘Movement/Action’ you will see something New and different. Oh, I forgot to tell you that my life after that was smooth and I experienced minimal pointless disturbances. It all just seem to flow. Thereafter, MAGIC started happening. 

I Love You. I am with you. Let’s ‘Become’ and create a New World, Life and Self. 

Leo Johnson

Sky Echo Pencil

Monday, March 3, 2014

Sky Echo Pencil: The Happening

Sky Echo Pencil: The Happening

It's been fun to identify what Sky Echo Pencil 'is'. Being able to articulate any imagination or vision is a priceless gift itself. Fun and entertaining until instruction is applied; changing all and everything forever.  

Sky Echo Pencil has come to full vision.  I am grateful, humble, excited and ignited. 

A 'New Life Group' (30 day communal New Life Building) was started and we are nearing the middle of the short introduction. It has been phenomenal without dwindle! May we 'Gain the new by the power of two'. We really are on to something here in applying all faculty, rule and journey towards the development. 
Sky Echo Pencil serves those pursuing life that allows 'the Impossible' to happen. It's for people wanting their lives sustained by the 'New Wonders' of Self, Life and Love separately and as a trinity. It is all so clear now. It's for those that are interested in the 'New' of life. It's for those interested in wanting more than a 'knowing' about what 'it' is. It's for those wanting an actual experience of the unlocked wonder  as their lives themselves. How could our life be if it were sustained by Synchronicity as  gravity is a sustaining force for physical existence on planet…Earth? If our life were an undeniable demonstration of the impossible, what would make it worth it to live? Our history suggest that it's healthy to ponder a new language; to ponder the profound.  If all what was there was for us was Love, would we let it in? Would we be able to find a way to still have ourselves choose? Choosing in required we know. Would we give ourself permission to exercise our freewill? 

These can tricky questions for us. The daily events of the life i live have turned to ones that are supported by synchronicity continually, consistently and effortlessly. It’s a new baseline of existence, and why shouldn’t it be. It was all to be unlocked at some point, and our time is Now. Where synchronicity was once experienced only as flared moments to be entertaining and fun, it now exists as the sustaining water of ‘New Life’. Where it was all once within a measure of 'time', synchronicity is now an available platform as measure that life exist. Synchronicity is the river which flows the New Paradigm of Self, Life and Love; the gift is that we are present to have such be our carrier of life. It is All profoundly perfect.   

 'Synchronicity' is a part of life. It's been there for us. Called coincidence or devine intervention, we have each experienced this. What if it could be figured out? What if it was to be figured out? What if it is inevitable that we will develop into it as we did from pony express to ipads or survival to bliss. Sky Echo Pencil has a key to ‘New Life’, Synchronicity and so much more. 

It’s Time

I have been blown away in seeing the grandness of this formula alive and in action through me and others of such stage of mind and practice. The most brilliant thing has been how it can be learned or shared; made available as a gift. This is were my life is today. The truth is that I love. I love big and I love a lot. I fall in love with every woman that I see and I align and extend a loving hand to my fellow brothers. I love all within the spectrum between. 

For me, the truth is that we are Everything. I’m in love in life.  As I see it, the only other option is to be in fear. I was in fear greatly. I was horrified if I may not lie. I had to see that side so that I could be now Love.

 I remember why I came. It had to be so because it is perfect. I am clear now. All I want to do is love you. You are me and I am you and we will never be the same...  But we surely are of One. It’s the difference between understanding something and actually ‘getting it’. ‘Getting it’ needs no explanation. ‘Getting it’ is Always enough. 'Getting it' is always worth it. I get it and I love you.

Heaven and Hell by jay-pegA sea has been sailed and the fruit has been brought back for all to see, for all to taste and for each to choose. The 'all' is our collective and the 'each' lies in you and me.  We are in a Paradigm Shift. The gift is that we have permission to let go 

of all that has been as the rules no longer apply. New Life, the impossible, it really is happening. It's here. And aren’t we happy about it. 

‘Thank heavens, for crying out loud!’

Live in Love. Live for New Life