Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Be New Now The Gravity of A True New Start

Be New Now
The Gravity of A True New Start

Why are ‘New Beginnings’ so attractive to us. As we know it, it’s for us to get out of our old crap and start some ‘New S#it’. If you are not in life ‘Startin Some S#it’ then you ‘Just ain’t Livin’! The key to ‘Startin some S#it’ is to ‘Start in YOU’. I encourage you to get in there, shake some things up, be lawless and make a ‘New You’. Do it for you, them and the greater good. Be new now; from the beginning.

As we’ve known it before, new starts give the feeling that we can leave our old stuff behind and start fresh. The ‘New Start’ gives us a ‘Clean Slate’. We give ourselves a chance to demonstrate our best without any work to be applied to transition others into our New world and self. We can now look at a new start to be for getting away from something or to even heal. But new starts are for becoming something, are to be created, and expanding ourselves. 

Conscious Secret One: Create a new World for every New Beginning.  We create a new world for ourselves when we are ready to brave a new. We create this new world ‘From’ our new selves. 
Examples: I was crazy self conscious when it came to singing and using my voice. I always felt that I would be speaking publicly one day but I had yet find my comfort with speaking and being in front of people. 

So I Created A New. I rode me mo-to to the nearest community theater. From the moment that I walked through the doors I practiced the ‘Be New Now’ frame from Sky Echo Pencil. Instead of being reserved and quiet, I practiced being comfortable and confident from the beginning. See if you can hear it this way; I practiced being comfortable and confident ‘As’ the beginning. Expansion will always start with the New You being the beginning. 

Anyway, I walked in the theater doors and the director just so happened to be standing with a small group chatting about an upcoming play. As they were engaged and I unaware that she was the director, I asked the ticket booth lady ‘How do I become an actor’? The director over heard me. She passed right through the middle of her party and came straight up to me. She introduced herself and told me that she was director of an upcoming play and that she was ‘Just talking about’ needing actors and that I so fit the bill. 

In my state of  ‘Newness’ and practice of  ‘Be New Now’ I was outspoken, playful and charismatic. She threw her hands out saying, “I gotta have you”. I threw my hands out saying, “I’m your huckleberry! Let’s Rock This Baby!’

I got the gig and went on to not only do the play but to perform in 5 of the following plays after, making it to the large stage of the King’s Center in Melbourne, FL. All within the first year of my debut acting career. 

It all turned out this way  by the power of  ‘Consciousness’. Consciousness practice of the  ‘Be New Now’ model. Conscious of practice of the ‘Never Wait’ model. Conscious practice of the ‘Structure of Expansion’ model. Consciousness of the ‘Real is Worth It’ model. Each of these Sky Echo Pencil models were applied in from the beginning; from the moment I stepped through those doors. This story is now my life and has aided in making me who I am today. Fair enough... I win. 

 ‘Consciousness Makes the Difference’

I played the game of life with these ‘New Consciousness Models’ and so was the how it all turned out. The promise is that a ‘New Consciousness’ in the same situations will make a ‘New Difference’ time and time again. The appropriate practice of these consciousness models will serve us. I have story after story from others who have put these ‘Conscious practices’ in to play but I’m actually seeing that I talk too much in these blogs so let me  ‘Shuuuuuuush’! And get back rolling lol. 

So a critical piece to all of this is starting something new from actually being the new that we are ‘moving’ into. This sounds like, ‘Whaaaaat?’. But do you get me? 

Be New Now!

 Create a World that perpetuates your being new. Step Into It and live in that World as the New You. Explore yourself, learn, laugh, refine. Embrace it all as you journey, your story, your becoming. I was a seasoned performer after that year of community theater stardom. It all started from the beginning with stepping through those doors like, ‘My new show is ON’! Literally, apparently.  To often we feel the need to explain ourselves when we make a shift. We feel the need to have a good reason available. Forget all that I’d say and demonstrate that we can actually be someone new from this moment.  It’s the capability of making a rapid shift into  ‘Newness’ that is the advantage in life.  It’s a capability for the Supernatural. 

It’s  ok for us to be someone that we’ve never been before for the sake of our expansion. We don’t have to wait for permission to further expand ourselves also. ‘Go’ and be in Love. Never wait, encourage those around you to ‘Get a Life’ too if they are having a hard time with your expansion. May they not just get a life but a ‘New Life’; driven by what they want for ‘Themselves’. Encourage them to ‘GO’. It’s Time to stop holding on and to let go. The old is killing us and we know it. It’s an era of Expansion and Growth. 

What’s been missing from our creating a ‘New Start’ is that we ourselves haven’t been the Conscious. We don’t know the structure of how  bringing about the ‘New’ actually works. Sure we can do the act of moving about but there’s no ‘Consciousness’ behind it. And Consciousness is what makes all the difference. Have you ever been frustrating of making moves but things still turning out the sam? It’s like ,’ What the Heck Man’. Let’s end all that frustration and start ‘Kickin a$$’.  ‘Newness is married to Expansion’. The more consciousness is applied to life the greater life becomes. We are in a paradigm shift. This stuff ain’t taught in schools and before Sky Echo Pencil this stuff has been shared, if even discovered!!! Sounds like ‘big talk’ uh? It is what it is, until it isn’t. Get in where you fit in. 

At least for a while there are still going to have to be ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in life. It’s not all determined by character, some simply were never given the chance.  It’s my business to get you on ‘Winners Row’. 

I love you

Leo Johnson 
Sky Echo Pencil

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