Friday, March 21, 2014

It's Friday and I'm Feeling a Healing
(A Season of Healing or Expansion) 

Call me a 'Sell-Out' for excitement. Give me an excuse, ANY excuse. I want to be excited!!! It's Friday baby! 'How are you FEELIN Today'? I never want to lose that feeling of a good Friday. I haven't worked a 40hr 9 to 5 in over a decade. My weekend days have been all throughout the week and NOW… EVERYDAY is a weekend day!!!  I'll shut up now. It's sickening, I know. 

I remember coming home from schools on a Friday and the Day was a bit brighter. Something was in the air. Time seemed to stand still. I  LOVED that. Some of those Fridays I'd be walking home with my backpack and the sun would start to go down. I STILL would be working my way home and it would be getting DARK!!! Hangin with Friends. Taking it EASY. Wishing for a kiss from one of so many girls that I had a crush on. Fridays Were the DAYS MAN!!! 

Our Sky Echo Pencil family uses a lens to view ourselves and others as either in a season of Healing or a season of Expansion. If even for the day. For this Friday I am in a Season of Healing. I’m lounging Baby!!! Lol

A season of Healing could come from anywhere. Recuperating from a workout, long week or world traveling (I like this one). Or it could be an emotional healing. 'I feel I need to say I'm sorry.' 'I feel I need to HEAR I'm sorry from someone'. Or it could come through as , 'I need to tell someone that I love them.' They've been on your mind. I need to heal the pain in my heart from my last breakup. A season of Healing is some kind of emotional or physical turmoil, pain, disturbance or exhaustion that is already going on inside of us. There's a calling for 'Quiet time' and 'Stillness' in this season. A little nature tingling on the tongue for this season works great. Get some UV protected Sun, Smell the roses!!! You follow me? 

A season of Expansion could be a calling of action to seek, create or move towards a passion. Movement for the obtainment of something 'Out there' to become 'In Here' or ‘Here’. Again emotionally or physically. From a place of desire. Like so many of those 'kisses' that I was wishing for. I was looking to 'Expand' you know what I'm sayin? I was hungry for something and going after it...when I didn’t wimp out of course.

 It would be that we passion driven action to learn something. It could be that  we want to perform or demonstrate something. It could be that we want to experience something alone or with someone.  This is a season that drives us. 'Action Time' and might get a little LOUD! Like building a home, skil Saws, hammers, nail guns, big trucks, drills and such. That's it, we are 'Building' in this season. 

Conflict: We may see that we could be in either season at any given moment of time. What do we do Then?. Can we see that if our spirit, soul or body is requesting a healing (51% tip) but our ambition didn't read the memo then there could be problems. A problems more like frustrations, confusion or exhaustion around why things aren't working out they way we want them too.  

Or people are pulling us in all directions but we really need to honor our season of healing and say 'No'. What do we do instead of going with them… NOTHING! lol. Rest is POWERFUL. LoL. Heal baby. Love, laugh and relax. We fear letting those we love around us down but we gotta learn how to say 'No' you know. We feel like we need a valid reason for our healing.  Much like a sore achy body after a hard workout our surgery. If a friend or family or boss pushes for us to expand or perform or demonstrate something while in this season we gotta know that we aren't going to do the task, situation, relationship or life experience in the most powerful way. 

In some ways we could actually emotionally or physically hurt ourselves or even someone else, or a relationship, or situation when we fail to be conscious of what season we are in.  

Imagine someone experiencing a break up after a 3 year relationship. They want to hurry up and expand and 'get something' out there, 'In Here'. They want to dive into another relationship. So they push for a another relationship within a week after their break up let’s say. We all know, Anyone who dates this man or woman is ASKING FOR IT!  There's very likely a season of HEALING that they may need for themselves and for crying out loud the other person.

Bonus note: Expanding is not ‘Running’. Running is using an illusion of expansion as a distraction to actually go there, heal and get real. 

This is no joke stuff and they ( the 3yr breakup person)  could have all that they've ever wanted but they themselves must know where they are and come clean. Be honest and true for me and for you. 

Trust... break up sex is the bomb diggity bomb bomb (dot) com. But, after a break up of 3yrs, let's not try to THINK that the dynamics of our emotional or energetic state is one of stability, completeness or health enough for a committed relationship. That’s ‘Running’. But we can be clear and we can get through it together with love and healing. 

So!!! There may come a day where it may be difficult to tell which of the Healing or Expansion seasons we are in. That 51% lean line may be a little cloudy one day or in one moment. What we Conscious and New Minded people of Sky Echo Pencil do then is 'Always lean towards the Healing first'. True we 'New Minded' folk are Supernatural but we are still least in form. 

Anyway, check it! If I have a hard workout my body is only going to be able to keep pace for so long. If I keep ‘pushing’ it, I'm mostly doing more harm than good at that point. 

On an ‘Emotional Push’ level,  say I'm experiencing an “inconvenient truth” in a relationship like Seeing that ‘moving on’ serves best for both of our expansion  or theres just some miscommunication  or miscue in a relationship and I'm being asked to perform a task at work that is very significant. My end outcome for work is not going to be as good without this healing/ clearing/cleaning of my relationship. 

Not bueno for Me, Them OR the Greater Good. It's worth it just to get my stuff together and Heal. It's all good. Oh, and let me be Quick about it and drag it on for days and days. Let's 'Get R Done'. Heal it up and get back in the game of life yea? I call it 'Falling off the Earth'. I'll fall off the Earth and Pop back in it, like a pulse. You'll hear from me for a while and then… you won't. lol. Right! It's all Love. 

If we have appropriate consciousness and act with speed we will never have to ‘Push’ through life, projects relationships or to get through our day. If anything should come up we will have more in our tank to get through it in a healthy way. I mean heck, we can know what season we are in when we wake up in the morning. We are already ahead of the Game of LIFE!!! Are you Kidding Me!! We Got this!!! 

I don't know about you but I take all committed relationships to be purely for Expansion... as an expectation. It's not for the other to be my healer.  I feel that it’s my full ‘Responsibility’ for MY healing and to bring a clean spirit into a relationship, you know. 

For me, relationships are for AMAZING EXPANSION! Now there's nothing wrong with support, love, empowerment and insight but may it be clear that 'It for Dang sure isn't someone else's job to get Our crap together'. I wouldn't 'Expect' that from  the other person but should take it as a gift if it's present and available.   Bwahahahahah! That sounds cold but who are we kidding! It's time to grow up, RIGHT...Right...right...? Hello?

 Ok, ‘The Practice’:   Answer "Are you in a season of expansion or healing"?. Just in this moment. 

What's the 51% tipping point. that's all we need to Roll with it. For you Scientist and Headies our there. Chillax!!! Get in your heart a bit and just roll with it yea? No thinking and figuring it out. Gut feeling, Go with it and PLAY. 

Fun Play: See if you can tell if your boyfriend, girlfriend, mom or the person next to you is in a season of Healing or Expansion. 

Ohhhhh, look at your 'Conscious Eye' go. You may really be good at this. 

Now you may be able to speak to people more powerfully with this 'Practice of ACTIVE Consciousness'. 

Ok, Go play. You talk too much. Have a blast. You know you could play with this and find out that you are pretty freakin good at it. 

Information without instruction is only entertainment as our Sky Echo Pencil way. lol. We say that we are here to 'Move' and 'Grow'  when we can rather than being able but in stillness.   There's LIFE to be LIVED!!! I say we Go for it. How about you. Let's take people watching to the next level. Let's call them out. 'Healing'! 'Healing'! 'Expansion, for sure'!

And I want feedback. How was this post? Was it helpful? Was it fun? Let me know. I am Expanding and as I see it, I can’t do it alone. 

Go make Everyday a Weekend day… like me. Something makes the difference. Go and see how being Conscious of seasons of Healing and Expansion make a difference in your life. See if you speak differently to others, your family,  your kids once you’ve nailed what season that they are in. 

Oh and here’s the game for the big boys and girls. Find out what season other people are in  without directly asking them. 

Can you figure it out within 5 minutes of talking to them. Say what you need to say and ask what you need to ask to see if you can more deeply conscious of them. It calls for the practice of 'Imagination'. PLAY

Before anything, may we be congruent within ourselves yea? Heck Yea. No internal conflicts is a Fun and Abundant place to live. 

You think you are good Sucka!!! Show ME!!! 

I Love you. Have Wonderful rest of this Friday. 

Leo Johnson II
Sky Echo Pencil

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So once you know- who, what, when, where and why of "I"
    There's less friction to (hello my name is...) developing relationships of all types. Awesome!
