Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mastering Pain

Mastering Pain

Let's begin with a new view of pain. Imagine. Life comes with disturbances and discomfort. We can all this pain. These disturbances and discomforts (DD) are unavoidable in life. So then, what makes the difference. The difference is assumed or inherited DD or created DD for the sake of inevitable expansion. What does life honor? Life honors expansion as does the Universe. Let’s Play and embrace this model if only for now. How we relate to 'expansion' in our individual lives is in our ‘becoming’. This becoming is the shifting of habits and life occurrences that are appropriate towards our desires. We can 'Wait' for life to come at us or we can 'Create' life and live into it. If we are to create life for ourselves then by what measure will we do so? Let it be one for the sake of expansion and two by the directive of our passion and inspiration. 

We take time to align with what we love. To remember or explore or flip through our curiosities to get an idea of what would 'Move' us. I our ‘becoming’ or going for something, we accept that we are here and want to be or experience 'There'. The requirement of movement/ expansion is already there. We now do the profound and create our disturbances and discomforts ourselves for the sake of a expansion and a greater experience to life as we know it. 

The New View:

For each of us, life ‘must’ disperse a dose of DD. It’s a rule of life. Abrasive as it may be, may we come to accept it… for now. It’s a must so that the  structure of the abundant gift that is available for us is not compromised. Our choices are that we can ‘Wait’ for life to happen or that we can 'Create' life and step into it. Either way life will do it’s job and maybe we will see our power of it and do ours. Let’s add another element and say that for the sake of always giving us a chance and never giving up on us, life has a way of always pushing us towards our bliss. Consciously or unconsciously. I mean, this thing is truly out for us to actually experience bliss.  It will never quit on us, abandon us or  fail us. It must perpetuate motion as it knows and that is what it is here to do and profoundly, it knows that is what we want. We are called to 'Raise our hands to Life' and say I'll participate.


 There’s a bag of DD that we must experience. We are here to experience our ‘becoming’ and life knows this. We will never be given more than we can handle but these DD's  ‘must’ be stepped into and experienced or endured. It's US who are sending the command. We could again,  ‘Wait’ to life to hand this dose of DD to us and give us our chance of growth through a failing relationship, a flat tire, or even disappointment OR we can actually reach our hand in the bag and take our dose thus causing life to back off a bit and be seemingly easier on us. We know how life works and may have all experienced life handing us our dose. With it 'Handing' us our dose it can be confusing. It take a profound imagination to unveil what is actually 'Going On'. Never mind the distraction of the actual situation, relationship or circumstance, right? The question is ‘How do we reach our hand in the bag and take our dose AND why would we do such a paradoxical/ counter intuitive thing’? 

Question One: How do we reach our hand in the bag and take our dose? With a consciousness of  life’s  necessity to  ‘Ever Expand’ we create environments, situations and circumstances that bring about disturbances and discomforts upon us. Say Whereat!!!!  We do this out of our knowing of the necessity of ever expansion. We do this by moving towards our passion and inspiration. Side note: one at a time is best. It’s all that is required and yields a greater assurance that we will ‘Actually’ achieve this for ourselves. There will be DD as it will be something new for us. Fair enough, we want it though, Yes?  We want to actually experience passion or inspiring vision for ourselves. Through this only this, having actually experiencing this, do we know more of the truth of ourselves, capability and power. 

Question Two: Why would we do this? There is no escape from DD. We do this because we see the DD as worth it to overcome for the sake of a “New” experience, New Life and New Self. Achieving something great leaves us with a deeper knowing and and a deeper confidence about ourselves yes. So be it that it may be ‘Horrifying’ but we know that the journey is worth it, yea? So be our becoming. So be our fulfillment of expansion. So be life chillin out on us. 

We can ‘Wait’ and we may never know how the DD will manifest. We can ‘Create’ and afford ourselves the convenience of knowing when it’s going to happen, knowing that there’s something awesome on the other side, and give ourselves time to prepare. 

It must be a ‘True Pull’ though. There are no short cuts and bargaining. It must be a pursuit of something that actually leaves us insecure, uncomfortable, or a not knowing what or how it’s going to happen.

Example: I myself saw a life for me to speak, serve and share with others things that could facilitate their expansion in life. For this I had to speak. I was nervous and insecure about speaking. I knew that I would have to overcome this insecurity and nervousness so I started a speaking company. I came up with the idea and acted. H.Y.P.E. Speaking ( Higher Youth Preparedness Experience: sole proprietor) I had the consciousness of this ‘Life Rule’ in mind and I knew that if I was desiring it and wanting it that life was picking up the signal to be in my favor.  DD was coming and there was two ways that I could go about it. Within 3 weeks I was standing in front of classroom at a local high school. (message me, facebook me or email me on the ‘How’. I love You)  My speech was Horrible!!! I was everywhere and profoundly nervous but it was all about playing the game of a ‘Conscious and Universal Living’. I made many mistakes in the book of speaking and I LOVED IT. I was conscious of what the greater ‘Going On’ was. I had two options. The greater our desires the greater disturbances and discomforts to come. It all doesn’t sound too sexy from one end but from the other, Holy Cow what a ride! It was a BLAST!

I spoke for a day and even took the scheduled lunch break as the students did. It gave me time to reassess and try new things. Some more of that ‘Experimenting’ that is explained in the book (Book coming soon). They pulled two classes together for each session. I did 3 speeches and spoke to over 100 high school students. I knew enough about speaking and my level of development to know that I was far from sexy. But after the talks I heard everything from a student coming up to me with full inspiration saying, ‘How did you get into this? This is what I want to do’ to, ‘Are you single my mom needs a boyfriend’. The ‘What’s So’ through all of  this is through all of my insecurities I still reached them. More often than not we are more likely to be ‘Over qualified’ than not in how we see ourselves. We can still made a difference and who knows how we may impact the observers of our becoming but we called to take the action to ‘Become’. 

There’s nothing wrong with ‘The first one being the roughest’. But we ‘PLAY’ and most beautifully, it works. There’s no way around the gap of ‘Believing’, we just have to ‘Move’ at times. 

Live by your New consciousness from what you may have discovered here and play with this model; as a ‘Dare’, by the power of curiosity or challenge. With your ‘Movement/Action’ you will see something New and different. Oh, I forgot to tell you that my life after that was smooth and I experienced minimal pointless disturbances. It all just seem to flow. Thereafter, MAGIC started happening. 

I Love You. I am with you. Let’s ‘Become’ and create a New World, Life and Self. 

Leo Johnson

Sky Echo Pencil

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